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I gulped and shivers went down my spine. I have always been afraid of the dark, especially knowing there is a crazy man on the loose. I took a shaky breath, using my phone for a source of light. My next door neighbors Mr and Mrs Coldwater, always help me out. The only problem is they love 15 min away from me. Oh, the joys of living in a farm house .

I grabbed my keys and quietly walked out into the cold crisp air of Holmes Chapel. I made my way down the road, occasional cars pass by. After a brisk walk i made it to the Coldwater's house, but their car was gone, the lights were off. I knocked on the door no answer.

I grabbed and back home i went. Alone and in the dark. The hairs on my neck and arms rose as i heard police sirens chose by. I turned around and saw a black range rover speeding up the road, not to far behind was the police cars.

That's when i knew it was Harry Styles, running. Nothing ever happened around here, the only major thing was a bit getting caught with cigarettes. The car was getting closer, so i did what any normal person would do in this situation . I ran, ran like I never did before. I ran faster, knowing the car was close. As soon as i reached my house I locked my door, trying to calm my breathing. Okay let's be realistic about this, you see a wanted criminal drive up your road.....who wouldn't run !?!?!?

My mind scrambles with useless thoughts. I stared at my door and then screamed when i heard something in the back garden. Headlights shown through my windows, and a car door slammed. My heart was racing, my stomach was turning. I was scared enough. Something snapped me out of my thoughts. I heard the back door open and a male grunt.

I slowed my breathing and thought of a way to get out of here. I couldn't go upstairs because the staircase creeks and if i opened the front door, the locks would make a noise. I heard footsteps coming from my right so i went left into the living room.

I almost screamed when i saw the shadow of a tall man. The outline of muscle and curly hair. I made my way slowly to the kitchen, trying to get or the back door. My head was screaming GO,GO,GO!!! But my body told me not to. I was by the island in the kitchen, the back door just 2 feet away from me. I took a silent breath and was about to make my way out until...........

"I wouldn't do that kitten" ,a husky voice stopped me dead in my tracks. I dared myself to turn around, but something made me stop. There was a cold barrel at the back of my head. And I felt tears prick my eyes when i knew it was a gun. I let our a shaky breath as the voice continued to talk. His hand find its way around my waist, pulling me to him. The gun still pressed firmly at my head.

"Now I'm going to be adding questions Love, got it?" He purred in my ear. I slowly nod, feeling the end of the gun moving with me. "What's your name, Love?" He asked

" I'm Michelle." I could feel a slight smirk upon his face.

"And how old are you,Michelle?" He asked, my name rolling off his tongue. "19," Well I'm Harry Styles, I'm sure you know who I am and if not, you woudnt want to know. Anyway I'm 23 and you Michelle are coming with me" he whispers in my ear.

At this point i desperately wanted to fight back, but i knew if i did my brain would be on the floor in 1.3 seconds. "So ummm where are we going?" My breathing was uneven and i was due tears were spilling down my fave by now. I heard police sirens go by and i could tell Harry heard them to by the way he tensed.

"Why do you need to know? You're going whether you like it or not" he chuckled darkly and his lips pressed against my ears,"I'm gambling you, Your life for my freedom" His grip on my arm tightened."And if they say no?" "Like I said, your life" "You'll kill me, or just torture?"   My breathing stopped, my heart thumped against my chest. It felt as if the oxygen was being sucked away. As if my soul was being torn from my body.

Harry turned me around, so we were face to face. I loved into his dark green eyes, full of anger possessiveness, and power. His dark curls were tossed messily  on his head. He had sleeves of tattoos and a face full of piercings. Harry was wearing a white shirt with no sleeves, black skinny jeans and boots. A smirk formed on his face knowing the power he had over me.

"Now this is how it's going to work, If you even think about screaming or making any sort of communication with anyone telling them about this. I will not hesitate to kill you!" I gasp but slowly nod, fearing for my life. Harry smirked when i ''agreed''

with his ''terms''more like commands. He quickly turned me around one more, but the gun was gone. I felt his hand move down to my shoes "Where's your phone?" Harry demanded. I pointed towards the living room where i had dropped it.

He yanked me towards the living room with him then broke it, looking proud. Before I could protest our scream, Harry snapped my wrist into handcuffs and picked my up over his shoulder. He tossed me carelessly in the car, before strapping me in on his side, locking the car doors. He revved the engine and drove and drove out of my back yard and sped down the road. More tears streamed down my face as I watched all of the familiar houses go by. Even though there was only 5 houses nearby. Now that i see myself in the mirror i am a total mess!!

To make matters worse I'm sitting next to a murder. I had done nothing wrong in my life, ever. I've never told a lie, i always learned to stay out of trouble. But im here now. Harry flicked on the radio where songs were cut off, due to an important news and emergency alert. "Now can you tell me where we are going?" i whispered my voice cracking . "France, we'll start there." Harry replied quite calm, his eyes fixing his surroundings. -Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran came on and Harry started humming along with it, still looking around. But soon that song was cut off by the news reporter, and again i heard.....

"Harry Styles age:23 ,eyes:green,hair:Brown/curly, tattoos, about 6ft tall, had escaped London prison. Citizens are advised to stay indoors and lock every door and window." Only if i had listened to the warnings but now I'm...... I'm stuck with Harry Styles.

Comment for more thanks -Angelina
follow my 2nd account @XoAngeliina

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