Burning Brilliance

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Her heart was hammering against her chest as she clutched the tattered fabric to cover whatever was left of her dignity. The same thought replaying in her mind over and over.


Battered and bruised she knew she had to keep going. To where she hadn't quite figured out. Her wounded feet were on fire with the stones and twigs digging into the soles. Scratched up as they pounded against the leaves. Her lungs burning, inhaling was becoming an ever-growing challenge. She knew she couldn't keep this up much longer, they couldn't be too far behind.

Keep going. But it hurts. Keep going.

Up ahead in the dark night, a soft flicker of hope blinking into existence. The soft ball of the white light appearing out of nowhere.

What is that? Go to it.

The ball moving closer, bathing her body in a much needed warmth. Her hand shot out before she had time to think. Her fingers stretching out to touch the orb.

Almost there...

The searing heat coursing through her fingertips, earning a pained cry as it continued to rip its way down her arm into her entire body. The promised relief betraying her. Her cuts were worse than ever, throbbing and oozing blood. Squeezing her eyes shut she braced herself for the on slot to continue. She could feel each individual scrape and nick as if she were being sliced opened repeatedly.  Her strangled cry's echoing in the quiet night.

I can't do this. It hurts. Why does it hurt?

Squinting, she lifting her hand up in the air as she examined the unnatural way her pores seeped out light. In a quick snap the light flashed. A weightlessness overtaking the pain. Looking down confirmed that her body was unexplainably defying gravity and hovering metres above the ground.

A fuzziness was enveloping her. A strong desire to rest developing as it threatened to overpower her will to remain conscious, nevertheless the energy drained out of her body leaving her no other choice than give in.

Yes. Something wasn't right.

With one last moan of protest her eyelids fluttered closed. The soft glow shining in it's brilliance before bursting and illuminating the darkened sky.

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