The Start.

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(Btw there will be a few curse words just a warning <3) 


Y/N= your name

L/N= Last Name 

e/c=eye color

h/c h/l = hair color and length 



"FUCK" Y/N screamed for the whole world to hear her.

When Y/N woke up from her random dream In her regular room Y/N was very confused but Y/N was told to get ready for school so she did wearing the same old jacket jeans and shoes.from the other day as Y/N walked out of her house with no breakfast since her mom was never home since her father died of suicide in their basement. after that incident, Y/N was emotionless since that tragedy but the only person she really liked was her baby brother zayn since he kept her happy he was in fifth grade and it wasn't the best for him but this story is not about him it's about you. as Y/N was out of her house being careless of her life since her father's death. as she was walking she heard someone scream at her but she could not hear since the music playing threw your headphones were loud but then you just were running out of nowhere but did not think much of it but then someone had tapped on your you turned around you took a headphone out so you can hear.

"you need to be looking where you are going," said a boy who looked very sleep-deprived

"Who asked, "Y/N said carelessly.

The boy looked at her confused due to her being so careless about her life he thought she would be more caring for her life since she could have died but he did not know what she had gone threw so he could never know why.

"I did," said the boy  

"I don't even know you so go Blow your dad you zombie looking ass," said Y/N with two middle fingers in the air at the boy. 

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The boy was not caring since he was going to be late for he walked past her and she fell to the floor and she scratched her knee into the pavement since he accidentally bumped into her she was pissed but did not let it show but the.

"Look where you're going," she said.then the boy turned around to see her on the ground with a knee that was gushing out blood.Y/N tried covering it but it could not be hidden. 

"I-'m "sorry" do you have a problem," he said rudely then he saw her knee gushing out blood and like the person he was he help clean it up.

"I'm so sorry  I did not mean to heart you," he said worriedly.

"well asshole you better stop being such a dick head then," Y/N said harshly

"I'm the dickhead I'm the one who saved you fucking LIFE," said the boy.

"who cares at this point," she says. as they both walked to the school they both went to she just listened to her music and the boy got annoyed that she was ignoring him so you want to know what he did next he tapped her on the shoulder.Y/N was clearly annoyed so she just blocked it out and kept walking then they were at the school and they parted there ways.

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