I Dream Of BB... (one shot)

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"Make sure to like this video and subscribe, and share it with your friends" the lovely Sam Pepper said before ending another one of his many YouTube videos. "Annnndd done!" BB says and turns the camera off. "Well that was fun" I said while laying down on Sam's couch, snuggling in a soft green cover even though it was 90 degrees outside and 80 degrees in Sam's house. "You guys should probably head out now, I've got to post this video up by tomorrow afternoon" Sam said. "Okay!" BB and I say nonchalantly. Before we head to the door, Sam calls out, "I'll text you guys if I'm done a little early". "Kay" I said. BB and I shut Sam's front door. "You wanna go to the store with me?" BB says to me after we walk out the house. "Sure" I said, my heart skipping a beat. BB never wanted to hang out with me ever since I moved to L.A 3 years ago. I thought that finally we were going to be real friends instead of just being associates with Sam. "Good, cause I need someone to push the cart around. It always hurts my arms and makes me feel like a peasant" BB said like a spoiled prince. I first thought, "Wow! What a way to make me feel human," but then again I thought, "It's worth it". I said to him, "Which store are we going to?"as I hopped into his black Ranger Rover. "Wal-Mart" he said calmly.

We were soon driving down Sunset Boulevard. He asked, "Would you like me to put on some tunes?" He asked me kind of creeply. But BB is always like that around Sam, but not around me... "Sure!" I said happily. "I love singing along to the songs, if you don't mind?" I say to him. "I do too!!"he says joyfully. I would've never known that. Ever. Suddenly, One Direction's hit What Makes You Beautiful blasts through his speakers. BB and I squeal like school girls and start singing along.

You're insecure
Don't know what for
You're turning heads when you walk through the do-oor

We roll down the windows of the car, turn up the music, and sing to the top of our lungs..

Baby you light up my world like nobody else!
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at ground, it ain't hard to tell
You don't kno-ah-oh!
You don't know you're beautiful!!

People look at us as we drive towards Wal-Mart.

If only you saw what I can see
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I'm lookin at yo and I can't believe
You don't kno-ah-oh!
You don't know your beautiful ah oh...

He stops the car to park. We both catch our breath as we are dying laughing our butts off. "Oh my! That was so much fun!" He says with the brightest smile on his face."I know right? I never knew you can song so good!" I say. "Same to you!"he said looking me straight in the eyes. 'My gawd, BB has gorgeous eyes!' I thought to myself. "But really, you've got a voice of an angel!"I say to him. "Aw, thank you!" he says in the shyest voice. We walk in to Wal-Mart and I grab a cart."Where do you wanna start?" I say. "TOYS!"he yells. I look at him for one hot second. He also has a cart."Why do you have another cart?" I ask. "Beeecause I wanna ride around on it!"he yells excitedly."Tee hee" I giggle to the dirty comment."Your think sooo wrong!" he says, playfully hitting me on the arm.

It was 8:30 at night when we walked out of the store. We stepped in there at 4. We had stayed there for almost 5 hours and only bought 3 things. But wasting that much time in a big busy store was worth it. I got to know a lot about BB. Like, he likes Green Day, donuts, Comedy Central, fashion, skating...and so many other things. I never knew we had so much things in common. And that night when I went home, I went to bed and dreamed about our day.

The End?❤✌

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