The Major Arcana

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The Major Arcana is definitely worth looking into, since cards have their own correspondences. Some people feel particularly connected to specific cards, the way you might feel connected to a particular animal or element. They're a really handy tool for introspection and figuring stuff out about your life when you lose your sense of direction.

Note that this is a simplified list. I recommend getting your own tarot book if you intend to do card readings for yourself. I also recommend finding a deck that you're happy with, that really "speaks" to you; even though I already have two other decks, I talked myself into buying Joseph Vargo's Gothic Tarot and I'm so glad I did.

The Fool: Beginning a journey, standing on the threshold of the unknown, a crossroads, liminal space, endless possibility, a leap of faith, naivete, a seeker of wisdom accompanied by a helpful guide.

The Magician: Personal power, arcane knowledge, access to the spirit world, creativity, self-confidence, command of spiritual or natural forces, manifestation, a trickster. It is within your power to obtain your desires.

The Empress: Feminine power, productivity, fertility, creativity, passion, vibrant energy, abundance, nurturing presence, life-giving first, pleasure and happiness.

The Emperor: Masculine power, authority, leadership, protection, stability, self-control, discipline, prestige, confidence, ambition, logic, a domineering presence, good decision-making, occasional ruthlessness.

The High Priestess: Psychic awareness, intuition, insight, wisdom, mystery, meditation and introspection, occult knowledge, initiation.

The Heirophant/High Priest: Wisdom, tradition, honor, meditation, education, advice, orthodoxy, honoring the status quo, the completion of initiation.

The Lovers: Sexual attraction, true love, romance, sensuality, passion, bliss, devotion and commitment, harmonious union of opposites, duality, a moral choice, self-sacrifice or surrender, emotions, merging of ideas, a creative partnership.

The Chariot: Control, taking the reins of one's own life, taking decisive action, achieving goals, overcoming challenges, triumph or vengeance, accepting personal responsibility, progress, determination.

Strength: Fortitude, courage, indomitable will, conviction, self-control, self-confidence, overcoming adversity, mastery.

The Hermit: Solitude, isolation, contemplation, introspection, detachment, meditation, a retreat.

The Wheel of Fortune: Cycles, dramatic change, destiny, luck, chance, endings and beginnings, high and low points in life, creation and destruction. Be patient and weather the storm, trust in fate.

Justice: Impartiality, righting wrongs, repercussions for one's actions, moral convictions, balance and equilibrium, karmic retribution, equality, fairness, integrity.

The Hanged Man: Self-sacrifice, metamorphoses/dramatic transformation, withdrawal, surrender, self-denial, intense soul-searching, death and rebirth, a period of tribulation that helps you become better.

Death: Transition, the end of one thing and the beginning of another, sudden ending or loss, passing through a metaphorical door.

Temperance: Balance, patience, moderation, unification, alchemical transmutation, union of opposites, equilibrium, harmony, synthesis.

The Devil: Temptation, the Shadow self, self-destructive behavior, fears and weaknesses, unhealthy obsessions, bondage, something (likely self-imposed) is holding you back.

The Tower: Destruction, disaster, devastation, catastrophe, upheaval, grief, a bolt from the blue, chaos and disruption, dismantling, a potential for reconstruction and a new beginning.

The Star: Hope, faith, selflessness, renewal, healing, peace, serenity, benevolence, salvation, promising opportunities, inspiration, a light in the darkness.

The Moon: Dreams, imagination, fantasies, secrets, emotions, heart's desire, intuition, psychic ability, mystery, seduction, wonder, illusions and deception, madness.

The Sun: Success, good fortune, prosperity, confidence, intellect, enlightenment, revelation, vitality, illumination, trust, a lasting union, triumph, optimism, glory.

Judgement: Rebirth, atonement, soul-searching, learning from mistakes, letting go of distress and regret, accepting forgiveness, renewal, redemption. Being held accountable for one's actions, a rite of passage.

The World: Success, maturity, the completion of a quest, the end of a journey. Spiritual fulfillment, realized potential, universal truth, perfection. The convergence of dualities (light and dark, order and chaos, etc.)

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