Chapter 3

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Alaina POV:



"Hey, guys!" Jessica greets the twins, who are sitting on the couch. 

Jackson hides his face in a pillow, and Jamie grins. Jessica sits on a stool next to me, shaking because she is so nervous.

To help Jessica out, I start off. 

"Welcome to the North family, guys. First things first: we are both moms. What do you want to call us?", I ask, "If you call us both mom, it'll get confusing. So, Jamie can choose one name, and Jackson can choose the other name."

Jamie blurts out, "Marmee! Like from Little Women!" 

I smile. Little Women was my favorite book growing up, and I'm happy to see she likes it, too.

"I'll take Marmee, Jamie," I respond. Her face lights up.

Jackson suggests Mother for Jessica's name. Jessica loves it.

"Okay, moving on!" I say, "You guys will get your own rooms. Right now, they're pretty bland, but we didn't want to assume how you wanted to decorate them. You guys can choose your room colors and clothes. We are going shopping later today. Okay?"

The twins nod. 

Jamie wants to paint her room dark blue, even the ceiling. She and Jessica are going to paint a solar system on the ceiling. Jackson wants a bright yellow room. 

Jessica, who's calmer now, takes over. 

"Now, about school. You guys will be home-schooled. Marmee and I both had bad experiences in the public school system. We want a more free way for you guys to learn. I will be teaching you, but Khan Academy and Duolingo will also play a big role in your education. You will have math, chemistry, biology, ecology, English, a second language, history, geography, and two elective classes. You have the language choices on Duolingo. Math, the grammar part of English, and history will be on Khan Academy. Your science classes will be taught be me, and will involve a lot of getting outside and labs. You have two electives. One will be academic, and one will be recreational. Your academic electives are astronomy, botany, creative writing, public speaking, coding, art history, nutrition, entrepreneurship, oceanography, and mythology. If there's something else you want to try, I will see if I can help. Your recreational electives are instruments, choir, music, art, drama, yoga, sports, hiking, and 3D crafts. I have specialized planners for you, as well as a schedule. Every Friday, you guys will get a test on everything you learned that week, and everything you miss, I will help you with the concept that evening. On Saturday, you will take another test on the same material. The score you get then will go on your 'grades', " Jessica explains. The twins look excited, yet a bit overwhelmed.

I move on.

"Which leads us to house rules. You may not lie, steal, or cheat. Don't break stuff, and if you do, tell us. We do not tolerate dishonesty. Do not be disrespectful. No cursing. Keep your room clean. Be nice to your sibling. No hitting- no violence as it won't be tolerated. When you take up an activity, practice. Work hard. If you break any of these rules, you will be punished with a spanking and/or a grounding. After a spanking, you will stand in the corner in the same state you were in while on my lap. That means if your butt was bare, you stay bare until I let you out or you get more spanks. If you touch your butt in the corner, you get more spanks.  Same rules apply in school. Three misbehaviors in a day, and you're punished. Ok, guys?" I say.

Jackson starts crying. "What's wrong, honey? Is this all overwhelming?"

He shakes his head. "I.. I'm sorry!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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