War and tramua

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It was all going good and disturbingly as planned. Ace was freed by his adorable baby sister was absolutely happy for reuniting and being side by side with his baby sister again after so long. The bad thing is, Whitebeard had ordered his children to all retreat whilst he himself will stay. To say Ace is sad and unwilling would be like saying Luffy is cute and adorable. An extreme understatement. But even so, as a son Ace could only honor his Pops' last order and retreat from the battle.

That's it until the Admiral of Marine, the believer of 'Absolute Justice', magma bastard, Akainu just had to insult Whitebeard.

Now, Ace is a bit happy for having Luffy, sad and unwilling to leave his Pops, and downright angry to the point of insanity toward the magma bastard. Ace had stopped running and turned to face the tyrannical marine. Itching to start a full blown argument about how even Whitebeard's moustache (which is really amazing, mind you) is waaay even greater than Akainu and he will start a fight if Akainu doesn't agree.

"Ace!" Luffy desperately yelled for Ace and Ace immadiately hesitated. No matter what, even if he's Whitebeard's son and second commander, he's still a big brother first, years before. But ultimately, Ace's ego won as usual.

"How dare you! Take that back! Whitebeard is not a coward!" Ace growled menacingly as fire dances on his shoulders. He glared at Akainu, though in all fairness looking at Luffy's face is much more pleasing, it's not like Ace got a choice... He has to look at the face first before destroying it after all.

"Ace! Retreat!"

"Ace, goddammit!"

"Ignore the magma bastard, Ace!" Cries from his ship brothers all fell in deaf ears, as Ace chose to hear Akainu's insult.

"Why? I didn't say anything wrong." Akainu smirked. "He is a coward. Years had sailed the sea yet never have he claimed the throne! Why? Because he's weak and a coward, that's why! Whitebeard will always be the second. He never will be a king."

"Bastard, take that back." Ace growled darkly and his ship brothers are getting desperate to get Ace's attention, and tell him to just bail out.

Luffy is unhappy, as a little sister who grew up alongside as well under Ace's care, she knew her brother the most to know he'll never back out. But, that doesn't mean she'll let it slide. Aceee!" Luffy yelled, her whiny tone indicating that she's close to throw a tantrum and Ace's ears twitched at that. Ace stilled. Despite his ego, Ace is very much aware that he would even turn a whole island upside down just to please his baby sister.

Noticing Ace's struggle, the Whitebeard pirates remember how acute Ace's brother complex is and decide to do a different approach.

"Ace! Listen to your cute sister !"

"Look at her! She's s close to tears!"

"Ace, your sister must be very tired! Don't let her wait for you!"

"Poor Luffy! Ace, how could you let your cute sister hanging like that!"

"Are you truly our Ace who keeps going on and on about his cute baby sister for days that it almost made us went deaf!?"

"Go and take your cute baby sister out before the marine is out for her !"

That did the trick. Ace's brotherly pride is poked and it flared even brighter than his earlier ego, he can't let his baby sister in this hell anymore, Luffy had been through alot in Impel Down and Ace is not willing to let her wait for a well deserved rest (And Ace is gonna be there to cuddle with her yup sounds like a plan). Ace took Luffy's hand in his and turned around, starting to run again, ignoring Akainu's continous attempt to reel him up again.

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