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While I'm on my walk, there are papers everywhere. They all have the same wretched headline the paper I previously held had in bold at the top of the page. When I couldn't find my dad, I groaned and sat on a bench, burrying my head in my hands.

"Oh, that's Hamilton's kid. Such a shame, that man seemed to be going places." I hear someone whisper.

I look up and glare at the man who seemed to be whispering to his wife. He sees me and walks away quickly. I roll my eyes and put my head back in my hands.

"Philip, what's wrong?" I hear a sweet feminine voice ask.

I look up and scoff. "It's all over the streets, you haven't heard?" I ask.

Theodosia sits next to me. "I haven't heard anything, I've barely been out of my father's sight all day. I just escaped a little less than a half hour ago."

"Your father is one of the people ruining my life." I tell her, staring at the ground that was littered with the same paper.

"Oh, I'm sure that's not true..He may not like you all that much, but he wouldn't go as far as to-"

I grab a paper off the ground and shove it into her hands, throwing her off guard. "Him, Jefferson, and Madison have been spreading those papers around all morning. Read the first paragraph."

She frowns at me before reading the paper. As she reads on, her expression drops and she covers her mouth. "Oh my...Philip I'm so sorry.." She says quietly.

"How could...How could he do this?" I ask, tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

"My father doesn't mean anything personal, it's all political I'm sure-"

"I don't mean your dad, I mean mine." I sigh. "I mean, he goes and cheats on my mom. Ruins everything he has with her. And instead of fessing up and telling her like a man would, he goes and tells the whole world first." I look over at her. "My mom had no idea when I handed her that paper..."

"Philip, I-"

"Theodosia let's go." I hear Burr say. We both look up at him and he seems shocked. "Oh, Philip..I didn't see you.."

I glare at him and then look at Theodosia. "Go, I have to find my father."

"He's with Jefferson and Madison.." He says sadly.

I scoff. "Of course he is. Instead of going home and telling everyone first.."

"Philip, you don't have to. Madison and Jefferson are merciless.." Theodosia mumbles to me.

"Theodosia, let's go." Burr says sternly.

"It's fine. I don't care. You should go, though. God forbid you should be seen with Hamilton's son." I say, still glaring at her father.

He sighs. "Philip, I'm sorry-"

"Save your fake ass apologies, I'll have to hear enough from my own father." I stand and walk away from the two, not looking back. I wasn't mad at Theodosia, there was no way I could be, but I was mad at her dad. He had no right to do that, no matter what my dad did.

I walk to the main plaza where Jefferson and Madison were still, just not as loud..for now. I see my father talking to them, seeming like he was trying to reason. The men just smirked at my father and waved the papers around some more.

Jefferson pulled my father in between him and Madison, and they both held his shoulders so he couldn't walk away. "Words from this very man, ladies and gentlemen. Damn does he put out a good paper!" Jefferson exclaims.

My father looks around, looking afraid, until he spots me. I glare at him and he stops, just staring at me. Madison looks where he was looking and then taps Jefferson on the shoulder. "Oh wow, he's back!" I hear Madison exclaim.

I walk up to them and hold the paper in front of my father. "What is this? Tell me this isn't true..Say it's all fake, right now!" I demand.

He stares at me, unable to speak. Jefferson shoves him towards me. "Go ahead, Hammy. Tell your son the truth."

"Ph-Philip I..." He freezes, unable to finish his sentence.

I scoff at this. "So it's true...Why? Why did you do it?" I ask shoving the paper in his hands.

"I came as soon as I heard." A strong voice calls from behind me. I turn to see my Aunt Angelica setting down her bags and walking towards us. I step to side and hear Jefferson mumble, "All the way from London?"

"Damn..." Madison mumbles as well.

"Angelica, thank God someone who understands what I'm struggling here to do." My father says, smiling helplessly and bending to kiss her hand.

Angelica pulls her hand away and glares down at him. "I'm not here for you, Alexander. Why would I be here to comfort you? I'm here for my sister, and your children." She looks over at me and gives me a sympathetic smile. "Philip, honey, let's get you home."

By now, I'm crying gently. Not because I'm sad, I'm crying out of frustration. He cheated, and then he lied. And then he told the whole world, but didn't have the guts to say it to my face.

My aunt walked me home, rubbing my back gently. "Do your siblings know yet?" She asks quietly.

I shake my head as I stare at the ground. "No, he didn't tell any of us..None of them have been out of the house, just me.."

She nods. "And your mother?"

"I handed her the pamphlet and left to find Dad..She deserved to know.." I say quietly.

She sighs softly. "Philip, it's okay to be upset. What your father did was terrible, and I understand if you want to resent him. However, you need to be home. You need to be there for your siblings and mother."

I nod. "I know.. I'm going to stay. I'm going to help Mother." I say with the little amount of confidence I have.

"I think you should tell your siblings." She tells me.

We stop in front of our house and I look up at her, raising an eyebrow. "Me? It should be Dad! Let him own up to his own problems!"

"Philip, they need to hear it from you..Maybe not William and Elizabeth, but John, James, AJ, and Angie need to hear it from you. They look up to you."

"How do I...How do I tell them?" I ask.

She places a hand on my shoulder. "Be gentle, take your time. You're a good brother, Philip." She looks at the door. "I'm going to go help your mother. I'll gather the children in the livingroom first. Come in when you're ready." I nod at her and she walks in.

I glare up at the house and Jefferson's words keep repeating in my head.

At his own house.

That bastard brought her to this house. He brought someone other than my mom to their bedroom.

And he couldn't even tell his own family about it.

I look around the ground and bend down to grab one of the papers. There weren't as many by our house, but there still were quite a bit.

I sigh and wipe the tears from my face before walking in to see 4 of my 6 siblings staring up at me with big smiles on their faces. I look around the room.

At his own house.

1257 Words

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