Yiiikes :(

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A/N: Hi this is my first story i've ever written i hope you do not judge too harshly with the quarantine currently i decided to make one of these to honor my 12 year old dream and obsession with the teenage mutant ninja turtles :) i recently found the Punk TMNT and instantly fell in love (bless to sirconcon). i hope that my lazy spelling and grammar will not scare you off please enjoy :)..

Author's POV

"Alright (y/n)! We're heading out now!" yelled your Dad from the front door. "Do you really have to go", you whine as you walk towards the entrance of you New York apartment. "Yes (y/n), don't worry we'll be back in no time. And besides you always talk about being grown up and wanting to be independent. We'll wire you three-hundred a month for anything you need; groceries, friends, whatever.. We love you"..."I love you too, bye everyone", you sigh as you wave your family out the door. It is currently summer in New York and you're spending your vacation house sitting while your parents go on a MUCH needed vacation and your sibling stay with your grandparents. You go walk into your room then lean out your window looking out into the city This'll be fun, you thought to yourself as you slipped out of your normal clothes and into your favorite sleep wear. You look at yourself in the mirror. You're THICC! You're the right amount of slim and the right amount of bootylicious most people would be insecure about their body type but you? Ohhhh no no no, baby..That's what we like to call a person LOVING THEIR BODY! You slip into bed and pull out your laptop, YOU IMMEDIATELY begin watching Daria on Hulu, because who doesn't love Daria.


When your eyes start to become sore you realize it is very late...or maybe very early? At this point who cares you're practically an adult you can do what you want. You walk into your kitchen and open a Diet Pepsi pouring the sweet nectar into a glass with ice. Then put the can into the recylcing bin only to hear it hit the floor. You look back to see that no one has taken out the trash. Welp, might as well take it out, you think as you pull out the bag and take it down to the dumpsters in the alley way next to your building. You begin to open the lib of the dumpster when suddenly, a group of people drop down from the rooftops. You turn around to see them being lead by a mutant tiger, "Ninjas?" you gasp "In New York?". "This one will suffice", the Tiger growled. A ninja on your left who is blocking your exit out of the alley takes a step forward your immediate reaction is to throw your trash bag at them.. the only problem is, is that it weighs about 3 pounds. Just when you think that you're going to get whisked away in the middle of the for being responsible the ninja that stepped toward you falls forward blood pooling around their head. Behind you a mutant turtle drops onto the tiger "Bothering pretty ladies now? That's low even for you.." immediately a fight ensued as two more mutant turtles showed up, you notice the ninjas around you begin to drop like flies around you with the same injury as the first...Waugh there's a sniper somewhere.. you think panicked. The tiger and a few ninjas flee the scene leaving you standing with these mutant turtles looking like an idiot. You looking at the turtles, them looking at you, you adrenaline still pumping as calmly as you can pick up your trash and put it in the dumpster..THEN BOLT FOR YOUR BUILDING ENTRANCE!! "SHE'S SEEN US DON'T LET HER GET AWAY!" you heard from behind you as you kept sprinting. That's when you feel a burning pressure in your calf and thigh..you fall and your head hits the concrete.. the last thing you mumble to yourself before blacking out is "There's a sniper somewhere"...

TMNT Punk Ghost x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now