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Saoirse Genevieve:
I'm sorry I have mistaken your number. I thought you were Axl kasi hehe. I will stop texting now.

Axl Treyton:
It's alright.

Saoirse Genevieve:
I'm really sorry. By the way, what is your name pala? I will just save it in my contacts. Friends? Hehe.

Axl Treyton:

Saoirse Genevieve:
I'll treat you to a meal, peace offering :) 

Axl Treyton:
Hmm, you don't have to

Saoirse Genevieve:
I'm harmless. Promise! But I will not force you if you don't want naman

Axl Treyton:
I don't know you, miss

Saoirse Genevieve:
I'm Sage

Axl Treyton:
Sage who? You are not the only one who owns that name, miss

Saoirse Genevieve:
Hmm do you know Rory? Since she's famous at school for being last year's Miss Intramural

Axl Treyton:
Yeah, I know her

Saoirse Genevieve:
I'm her best friend, Saoirse Genevieve.

Axl Treyton:
That is not funny

Saoirse Genevieve:
Why? What? You think I'm joking?

Axl Treyton:
Yes, you are 
Saoirse is more famous than Rory
75% of the boys in school courted her and she rejected all of them

Saoirse Genevieve:

Hellooooo! I am not joking, I am really Saoirse

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Hellooooo! I am not joking, I am really Saoirse. Here's a proof! I'm at the library right now. And saan mo nakuha yang chismis na yan?! Anyways, I'm proud to be single since birth ;)

Axl Treyton:
Okay okay miss, treat me to lunch tomorrow then

Saoirse Genevieve:
Pakilala ka muna, mister

Axl Treyton:
Zyaire Calen

Saoirse Genevieve:
Zyaire Calen? The team captain of the basketball team?
For real?!
What the--
Read 1:12pm

Saoirse Genevieve:
Seen! 😠
Bye na, I still have classes at 1:30
Read 1:20pm

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