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Caryna walked out of Norfolk International Airport, going towards George's home. She had gotten the first flight to Virginia she saw mere minutes after getting the message, her heart racing. Why didn't Luke believe me? Panicked Caryna as she got into a taxi to George's home.

Caryna got to George's home as quickly as she could, running to the apartment block, then up the stairs, then knocked on the door. She heard a quiet groan and small footsteps on the other side of the door, the door lock slowly turning and then opening to show Luke. He seemed very worse for wear, dried and crusty blood encasing his jeans and T-Shirt. He had seemed to be able to patch up the gunshot wound in his chest, however.

"I need to get you to the hospital," insisted Caryna, her eyes still fixed on his three gunshot wounds that, to her, seemed fatal.

" This operation was set up by the US government," croaked Luke, "There's no point. Come in, please." Caryna obliged and slowly walked into the room, the patterns of the turquoise and green carpet replaced by a seemingly endless pool of blood, the source being a pale body propped up against the radiator that was below the window. Luke, sensing that Caryna was focusing most of her attention on the body, quickly said,

"Don't mind him, he's not a threat."

Caryna looked at Luke in disbelief. Goddamn prick! She thought angrily, I bust my ass getting to America because I think he's dead but he's here making jokes?

"What the hell, Luke?" asked Caryna, now beginning to resent Luke.

"Calm down," groaned Luke, "sit down. Please."

Caryna looked for a stool or chair. Finding none, she sat on the sofa next to Luke, who looked to be getting worse by the second.

"I don't have much time left," said Luke once Caryna had been sitting for what felt like an eternity, his tone almost inaudible, "I need to get some things out of the way and a lot to tell you. For one, I want for you to take control of the Empire. Even if I do survive this massive shitshow, I want for you to take the wheel. I've got this all on record so, hopefully, you can use it to make it official. Second, I need for you to finish what I came here to do and fry the servers in the US and Russia. Finally, I need for you to promise me something; I need you to promise me that you'll take over the entire world. Can you do that for me?"

"Umm, sure," said Caryna quietly, "Luke, I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" replied Luke after a few seconds.

"I'm pregnant," whispered Caryna, her tone so low that only whales could hear it. Luke turned his head to look her straight in the eyes, his face the perfect visual representation of disbelief. Luke continued to stare at her, the sides of his lips beginning to dip until they were a frown.

"You're joking, right?" asked Luke in disbelief.

"Luke, I'm not," said Caryna firmly, "and please, Luke, let me take you to a goddamn hospital!"

Luke was still too dumbfounded by what Caryna had told him and was still staring at where her eyes used to be, even though Caryna was standing up and about to leave the room. Surely he should have noticed me by now, thought Caryna, her hand on the doorknob, ready to leave. She changed her mind and walked back to Luke.

"Luke, please come with me," said Caryna, her mind slowly realizing the truth. No, it can't be, she thought defiantly, pressing her fingers against his neck. Cold. Caryna slumped down onto the floor as she began to cry. 

A/N this is probably my shortest actual chapter ever. If you did like it, please vote. Anyway, I'll try to transition into uploading chapters every other day now that they are shorter. 

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