Chapter 1: Awakening (Day 0) Edited

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What would the world be like if you had a fate- a destiny- that was so set in stone that nothing you did would ever have a toll on your life?

You bolted up towards the ceiling in your bed and allowed your eyes to adjust to your surroundings. With your breathing heavy, you glanced around your room and saw nothing out of place or out of the ordinary. The blinds were still down at the window and the door was still shut, just how it was every night.

Thank God.

The roar you heard must have been from the air conditioning. Was it always broken? Who knows? At least you were still safe and sound.

You slowly lowered yourself down again and closed your eyes but could not drift into slumber anymore. You found yourself moving away your covers and standing up next to your bed after a minute or so. The door of your room creaked as it showered light onto your face, and the light echoed through the hallway as you began to move down the old, squeaky stairs.

You were alone for the night, surprisingly. Your parents said they both had work, which seemed to be almost every night, and that they would be back the next day. But your mind was hazy. Everything about your parents was in some sort of blur. However, you shrugged it off unknowingly. You were probably just tired and too exhausted to think about details on distant family members. But you could not let go of one thing, and it was regarding your own memories of them. You could not remember your mother's face, oddly enough.

At the bottom of the stairs, you turned the corner into the kitchen where the luminescence from the moon and the glow from the fridge was enough for you to move around without tripping on the tiles on the floor. You snatched up a glass from earlier and filled it to the brim. No need to waste another cup, right?

Taking a sip of water, you turned your head around and glanced down the vacant hallway. In the darkness, you made out a whisping figure. Knowing that you always scare yourself into thinking you see things, you ignored it and let your mind run on its own. Without closing your eyes, you dreamt of a wolf chasing a small rabbit through the woods, and your anxiety tanked over the top of the water. The cup that had been in your hand slipped away from you, and a booming shatter startled you out of your dreamland.

"Crap," you mumbled.

Well, you could not simply leave the glass on the floor. However, the moment you reached for the light, something compelled you to freeze and not lay a single hand on the switch.

There was something waiting in the shadows you were not supposed to see yet, after all.

You decided that the morning would be a better time to clean broken shards of glass, so half way up the steps, you began to sprint back into your room, hearing the stairs stir behind you. The darkness was trying to grab you from all angles the closer you got to the safely of your bed, but you jumped in the sheets just before you stumbled.

The temperature in your room had decreased dramatically. How? You didn't know. But when your pupils scanned the wall to your right, you saw the blinds of your window blown in, and the outside air was penetrating the space faster than a predator chasing its prey. Hesitantly, yet determined, you shivered and closed the window as the cold wrapped itself around you like giant, binding chains. It was almost hard to get out of them once the task had been completed and you were granted permission to snuggle your way under your covers once more.

Honestly, you weren't one to forget things, but you just couldn't get over the fact that your mother's face had completely slipped from your mind. What type of person were you?

Killer Romance [Book 1] [Jeff the Killer x Reader] [JTK]Where stories live. Discover now