5. On Another Level, New Age Rebel

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Jord and Ems were walking through the pit together later in the evening, when it happened.

They'd been window shopping. Really, neither of them had felt like buying anything in particular, but getting to spend time together outside the training hall was nice, and the twinkling lights of the pit in the evening had a certain unique beauty about them. They cast a glow over everything beneath them, and Jordyn loved the atmosphere it created. It spoke volumes to the energy beneath her skin, and she could feel it fizzing in excitement, almost as if it had a mind of its own.

"I've never seen anything like this before," said Emily, gazing up at the strips of fluros intertwined with fairy lights that criss crossed their way down the hallway. Shop doorways opened up more lights of all colours, and Jordyn smiled in agreement.

"Amity's all open air, right?" She asked, and Ems nodded.

"It's beautiful there in it's own way, don't get me wrong. But this is just... something else."

"I believe every faction has its own beauty," said Jord. "It's not about one of them being better than the others, it's about picking your favourite, the one where you fit, and where you can add to the light."

"You definitely add to the light here, I'm just saying," said Ems, smiling at her friend.

"What's that supposed to mean?" The blonde chuckled.

"Come on, you killed it today in training, literally! Angel didn't know what hit him in your one on one."

"Aw, I only just beat him, to be fair. I'm just proud of Sadio, he's always been fast and agile, but he's so strong now as well. He destroyed Diego today! I wouldn't want to cross him!"

"All I'm saying is I'm not looking forward to my own fight," Ems shook her head. "Hey, any theories as to why Gini was there?"

"I wonder if he's an assessor," Jord frowned. "He's close to Virg, you could see that. And Virg trusts him, which he doesn't do with Hendo."

"Maybe he just wanted the opinion of someone he trusts about the initiation," said Ems. "That comment about authority... damn. I get chills thinking about it."

"It was weird," Jord agreed. "There's something about him... I don't know, Ems. I'm not sure wether to trust him or not."

"Well, if you're gonna follow his advice, you definitely shouldn't," she joked.

They'd reached the edge of the pit now, and entered the walkway that led past the chasm, both of them falling silent as the crashing water prevented any further discussion in anything less than a yell. It was late, getting close to midnight now, and very few people were ever around at this time. So when Jord happened to glance across the chasm, and noticed a commotion that was occurring there, she was immediately alarmed. She grasped Emily's arm suddenly, causing the brunette girl to jump in surprise, and gestured for her to look. They could hear nothing due to the noise of the water, but it was clear to see there was a fight going on. The sudden jolt she'd given Emily was nothing compared to the surge in the power that lay dormant within her upon recognising who it was that the group were fighting.

"Is that..."

"Virg," said Jord, grimly, struggling to make herself heard above the crashing water. "They're trying to push him into the chasm!"

"We have to help him then!" Ems yelled back to her. "But what can we do?"

Jord could feel the frustration at being relatively powerless in a situation that demanded immediate action. The energy below the surface of her consciousness raged in fury, demanding to be let out, and Jord, who had kept it suppressed for so long, finally lost her grip on it, and it exploded out of her skin. It wasn't visible, but Jord could almost see it racing across the gap to where Virg was all but gone, holding on to the edge with everything he had. The invisible force struck his assailants with a bang, throwing them off him with so much energy that they were knocked flying. The blonde gasped, her breath rushing out of her almost as though she'd been struck herself as she stared in shock at what had just occurred.

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