•Fifth Day•

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Fifth day. She was absent.

Darn woman. How dare she?

The whole day was so boring. What's new? Every day's boring anyway. But this day was even more boring. All I think about is where is that woman.  

Thank goodness, the classes finally ended.

I ran.

I ran outside.

I ran as fast as I could till I find that woman—

"Argh!" That voice. I know it is her's. But yeah, we bumped each other.

For the first time, I was happy.

"Where have you been?" I immediately asked.

"Hihihihi." She giggled.

"What? Aren't you going to say anything? Fine I'm leaving—"

"Don't. Don't leave." As she held my arm and said, "Come with me."

Finally! (My insides started to feel funny. I think this is called the butterflies?)

"Where are we going this time?"

"To the beach. Hihihi." with such ugly giggles she sure is cute.

"Tch fine."

I drove as she points the direction.

***** Beach resort. Great.

As we go inside, I saw something.

"So that's why you are absent? You prepared these?"

"O-of course..." She whispered.

"Do you know how bored I was in school?! I was waiting for you, I kept on looking for you, I even—"

"I'm sorry." She cut me off.

Now she's giving me a solemn look.

Wait, why am I like this anyway?!

What is happening to me!?

"I'm sorry I made you worry. But come on! Let's enjoy this trip shall we?" She laughingly said.

I did not bother answering it. Instead I came to the picnic spot she 'prepared' and ate some.

She sat in front of me smiling.

"What?" I asked.

"The fact that I made you worry made me happy. Omg." she said.

"You're weird."


I just twitched my lips.

"Let's watch the sunset!!" She excitingly screamed.

"Fine." So we walked to the shore and watched the sunset.

That's it? Nothing something exciting?

I got an idea.

I ran into the water with a huge grin on my face and—

"Hey what are you doing— HEY!!" I just splashed her with water.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHA THAT LOOK ON YOUR FACE IS AMAZING!" She was utterly shocked to see me laughing.

"Are you even real..? RETURN THE TRUE SAKURA YOU IMPOSTER!!" she shouted.


And of course she wanted revenge so she ran towards me and splashed me some water.

We fought and laughed together at the beach like the other couples do.

"Great. Now we're wet and have no extra clothes to wear," she hissed.

"Hahaha but you enjoyed anyway," I spoke.

Where's her house by the way? I wonder where.

"It's seven already go home and change." Case spoke.

This lady is mysterious. Seriously.

"I should take you to your house."

"No. I'm fine. Goodbye!!"

Wait, there's something lacking to  this day. I don't want this day to end yet.

"Wait. I forgot this," she handed me a letter.

"Byeee!" She walked away waving at me.

As I open and read the letter—

            Hi! I was really happy when you were worried seriously. It made my heart melt. Uwu im such an idiot HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

I just wanted to say,

I love you. That's it for today!

                      From the cutie,


I don't know...

But I immediately ran hoping that I could catch her but I was too late. I can't find her anywhere maybe she went straight home but....

God knows how much I want to hug her right now.

As I scan the letter I saw some message at the back.

       Oh and I almost forgot to say that drive safely. If you read this I'm probably gone home by now so don't worry okay?

God. Help my beating heart. 

My heart is racing so so bad.

I think I can't sleep tonight.

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