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Hyunjin's POV

December 9th...

It's been exactly five years since Heejin died. I've been doing much better than before. It's still hard for me, but now, when I think about her, I am more nostalgic than sad. Every year, I go to the graveyard to talk to her. I tell her everything that happened, how I've been doing and how much I miss her. It really helps me. Even if I never receive an answer, I can still feel her presence, and it makes me feel good.

I still live in the same neighborhood, but I rented a small apartment, where I live alone. I am now in university, where I study psychology, so I needed to live closer to where I attend my classes.

I put on a black lace dress with long sleeves, put my hair in a bun and looked at myself a last time in the mirror, before getting out of my apartment and locking the door behind me. It took approximately twenty minutes to get there. It was pretty cold, but I didn't mind. On my way there, I bought a bouquet of flowers. I chose balsam flowers, since I think they are pretty and also because they are Heejin's birth flowers.

I walked slowly before arriving in front of her grave. On the tombstone was inscribed this epitaph:

"Here lies Jeon Heejin, this caring and generous soul who left us too early."

I placed down the bouquet in front of her grave, among the few other bouquets already present. Then, I waited a while and started talking.

"Hey, Heejin... It's me, Hyunjin. I came, as promised. Though, I am a little disappointed I wasn't the first to visit you today..." I smiled and continued. "How are you doing ? I hope you are doing well. I just started my second year of university. I really enjoy my classes. I am happy I found something that interest me. I hope that up there, you are also happy and that once in a while, you think about me... I always think about you. Every single day. I really miss you, you know. Anyway, have a good day. I love you..."

I stayed some more minutes and then got ready to leave, when I suddenly had a weird feeling. I didn't really know what, but I felt like I wasn't alone and someone was actually there. I brushed it off and quickly got out of the graveyard. 

My phone started ringing and I took it. It was a call from my mother. I picked up.

"Hello, mom ? What is it ?"

"Hyunjin ! I just wanted to know how you were doing."

"Well, I'm doing all right. Why would you ask ?"

"For nothing... Anyway, it's been a while since we saw each other. You barely even call me anymore ! I want to see you. You should come home tommorrow !"

"I'm not sure, mom... I got a lot of homeworks to do, you know. But I will try."

"Okay, I understand. How are you doing with your classes ?"

"I am doing alri—"

I heard a really familiar voice yell my name and abruptly turned my head to see who it was. My eyes widden in shock and I quickly said.

"M-mom, I... I will call you back, okay ? Bye."


I hung up and swiftly put my phone in my handbag.

"Hyunjin !" The girl said, approaching me.

She was wearing a white top, a black jean jacket and a black short. The shocking thing was, she looked exactly like Heejin. She had the same eyes, the same nose and the same mouth as her. The way she walked and her voice were also the same. I was so shocked, that I didn't say anything and stared at her. After an awkward silence, I finally dared to talk.

"How do you know me..."

Even if the girl looked like Heejin, there was no way it could be her. It was just impossible. Therefore, I was asking myself how this girl knew me. I really couldn't think straight. It seemed like Heejin was there, just in front of me, breathing and alive. And it was driving me crazy, since I knew she wasn't. She was dead, a long time ago.

"Hyunjin, it's me..." She got closer to me. "I'm Heejin."


This is a short chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it ! 

Ephemeral [2jin] ✔️(re-writing)Where stories live. Discover now