Stranger Things

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I've been in the US only two days. I am sitting in probably one of the smallest apartments you could imagine. The feeling of sickness has kept me from moving off the couch all day scrolling through the limited channels I had on the tiny TV. I decide to settle on the news. Immediately there is panic over some new virus that is spreading rapidly on a global scale. I immediately sit up and stare at the TV in complete fear. Suddenly I hear what sounds like a gunshot outside my building. I crawl towards the window to try and catch a glimpse of the events outside. All of a sudden there is complete chaos, people running through the streets and bombs being heard in various parts of the city.
     I grab a bag and pack what I can into it. Luckily I have a gun and then I grab a kitchen knife. Hopefully that will suffice and I won't even have to use them. I grab what essential possessions I can and leave the apartment. The halls are filled with people running and screaming. My heart beat is erratic and I can feel myself sweating. I reach the parking lot and get into my car speeding out of the building. As soon as I exit I see buildings on fire, people dead in the streets and debris covering the city. I don't know how things escalated so quickly but I focus on getting myself out of the city and away from the major chaos.
     I decide to avoid the highway because I know it will be completely backed up. I follow a dirt trail as far as it will take me. I think I had been driving for about two hours before I reached the end of the road which is also occupied by a few other vehicles. I take the gun in my hand and slowly exit my car. As soon as I step out i'm immediately surrounded by people with guns in my face. One of the men has curly black hair and the other is wearing a sheriffs uniform. I dont dare move a muscle and I raise my hands in surrender.
     'What's your name? Have you been bit?' the Sheriff says. He looks at me with kind but intimidating eyes. I can tell he's not a threat, just being cautious. 'My names Anna, I just came from the city I took a dirt road trying to avoid the back up on the highway. I'm not bit you can check if you don't believe me.' I say in a friendly manner. The sheriff lowers his gun but the other man stays planted. 'My names Rick, the other man beside me is Shane' he gives the man, Shane, a look signaling him to lower his gun and back off. 'You look very young to be in this alone. How old are you? Do you have any family back in the city?' Shane questions.
    'I'm 18, I came to the US to go to college. My parents are back in Colombia', I lied. My life story isn't one that i'm going to tell to a group of strangers. Now that the world is over I guess now is a good time to create a better past for myself. I am introduced to the rest of the group and they all seem like nice people. They had been out here longer than me, their area had been hit first so they had been traveling a while. They had experience an attack the night before and were still grieving over their losses so I tried to keep to myself and not intrude. I also had to stay vigilant because I still don't know these people well.
     I talked to Lori and Carol, two of the women in the group a lot and they were very nice to me. I also have been playing with the kids trying to keep them occupied. While i'm talking to Carol I hear rustling behind me. We both stand up quickly and I grab my knife in my hand. I was expecting a walker to emerge but what I see is a man with piercing blue eyes, draped in what looks like squirrels. 'Who are you?' he says roughly. 'I'm Anna. Did you catch all of those yourself?', I ask while poking one of the squirrels. 'Name's Daryl. Yea I did. What about it?' he says. He doesn't make eye contact and stands uncomfortably in front of me. I can't help but giggle at how irritated he appeared. 'That's impressive' I say. He grunts and walks off to drop the squirrels by the fire. He stomps off into his tent and closes it up. That was the first interaction I had with Daryl Dixon.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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