In a room was a bunk bed. A top and a bottom. The top bed has red covers, white blanket and a white pillow, with a a person under the covers and blankets. The bottom bed has light blue covers, black blankets and a black pillow, with another person under the covers but the blanket is on the floor. Next to the bunk bed is a bedside table with an alarm clock and a lamp. Across the room was a TV with an Bleach-Box 1. In front of the TV were 2 bean bags, a blue and a red. Next to the TV (On both sides) were 2 Wardrobes. One for the pair. At the end of the bunk bed were 2 desks, for homework.
Light snores were all that could be heard in the room until there was a loud ringing noise. Two groans were heard as one of the two people turned it off. The top bunk sleeper, tried to go back to sleep until they felt the bed move. The bottom bunk person got out of the covers and sat up. A 15 year old boy was shown. He had snowy white hair and turquoise eyes. He was wearing a black top and white Pyjama bottoms with white socks. The boy got up and banged on the top bunk.
"Oi Hoshiro, get up," said the boy.
"Fuck off, Toshiro," growled Hoshiro but it was barely heard under the covers. Toshiro sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Fine but don't blame me when Hyorinmaru comes in here and gets your ass up," Toshiro said as he wandered towards his wardrobe to get his new set of school clothes. Hoshiro groaned and sat up. He yawned and scratched his black hair. Hoshiro is different compared to his twin. Hoshiro has dark black hair and yellow eyes. He was wearing a white top and black Pyjama bottoms with black socks. He sighed and jumped down.
"I'm up," he muttered as he slowly walked towards his wardrobe. Toshiro rolled his eyes again as he got dressed.
"He's such not a morning person," thought Toshiro. Hoshiro got his uniform out and got dressed.
"So Shiro, what do you think Karakura High School will be like?" asked Hoshiro.
"Well Kuro, I think it'll be better then Junrinan High School," said Toshiro. Hoshiro nodded and grabbed his bag from the end of the bed, also grabbing Toshiro's bag that was under the bed. He passed Toshiro his bag before walking out. Just in time to see an 18 year old boy. The boy has teal long hair, black eyes and blue cross on his face. He was wearing a blue hoodie and black jeans.
"Ah, I was about to get you two up but it looks like you both got yourselves up," said the 18 year old.
"Not like we had a choice," mumbled Hoshiro.
"Well Jushiro is downstairs, so he'll be able to give you both your allowance. Just don't go spending it all at once," sighed the 18 year old.
"We won't Hyorinmaru. Where are you off to?" asked Toshiro.
"Well I have to get Sogyo and Kotowari," said Hyorinmaru.
"Ah," said Toshiro.
"How can you tell those two apart?" wandered Hoshiro.
"Because one wears a lighter version and the other wears a darker version," Hyorinmaru simply said before going to the twins' room. Toshiro and Hoshiro blinked before heading downstairs and saw a man going through some books. He has long snowy white hair like Toshiro but he has brown eyes. He was wearing a plan white button up shirt and black trousers.
"Morning Jushiro," said the non-identical twins. Jushiro looked behind him and saw the non-identical twins. He smiled at the two.
"Morning Shiro, Kuro. How was your sleep?" asked Jushiro.
"It was okay, before that blasted alarm woke me up," groaned Hoshiro making Jushiro chuckle.
"You are definitely not a morning person, Kuro. What about you, Shiro?" asked Jushiro.
"It was weird," said Toshiro. Jushiro frowned and walked over to the two.
"What was it about," asked Jushiro.
"I... can't remember," said Toshiro. Hoshiro raised a brow and Jushiro sighed giving the two their allowance.
"Don't go spending it all at once," said Jushiro making the boys nod. They got their toasts and left. The got onto the bus and waited until they got to school. Hoshiro was playing games on his phone whereas Toshiro was reading a manga.
"What manga are you reading anyway?" asked Hoshiro not looking at his twin.
"It's Servamp," said Toshiro.
"That new manga that everyone was so hyped about? What's it about?" asked Hoshiro.
"It's about a high school boy who lost his mother at such a young age. He likes to keep things simple but does way too many chores. He finds a black cat and names it Kuro. The next day after school, he goes home and sees that his TV was on. He checks it out and sees a blue haired boy. After trying to get him out of the house, he finds out the the blue haired boy is Kuro and he is a vampire. They make a contract together by accident. Certain things happen and now the boy is Kuro's eve. It's weird but I like it," Toshiro explained. Hoshiro turned his phone off.
"It really does sound weird but it sounds fascinating at the same time. Could I borrow it once you've finished it?" asked Hoshiro. Toshiro just gave him the book.
"I can always read it later. You hardly take any interests in books. All I ask you is to take care of it and do NOT lend it to no one," said Toshiro. Hoshiro nodded. He put his phone in his blazer pocket and grabbed the book before putting the book into his bag, just in time for the bus to stop.
The two got off the bus and walked it to the school. When the stepped through the gates, Toshiro noticed something on his hand and so did Hoshiro. There was a red string, making Hoshiro smirk but Toshiro blink in confusion.
"What does this red string mean?" asked Toshiro. Hoshiro blinks in surprise at his twin.
"You seriously don't know? You're the genius out of us two, but you don't know. How can you not?" asked Hoshiro. Toshiro looked at him in confusion.
"What is it, Hoshiro?" asked Toshiro. Hoshiro laughed and began to walk towards the building.
"Research it up. That's what I had to do. You'll find your answer," laughed Hoshiro, making Toshiro growl and chase after him.
[In the school building with 5 girls]
In the hallway were 5 girls. One has black hair, purple eyes and wearing the female school uniform. The second one has silver hair, lavender eyes and wearing the female school uniform without the bow and trousers. The third one was tall, she has orange hair, blue eyes and was wearing the female school uniform without the bow. The fourth one has orange hair, brown eyes and she too was wearing the female school uniform. The last one has short purple hair, black eyes and was wearing the female school uniform with a purple sweatband.
The first two girls stopped when the spotted a red string on their fingers, making the other three stop as well.
"Rukia-chan, Darkia-chan, what's wrong?" asked the fourth girl.
"What's this string for?" asked the first one.
"Well Rukia, that's the string of fate," said the last girl.
"What's the string of fate, Tatsuki?" asked Darkia.
"Well the string of fate means that you found your long lost love," said Tatsuki.
"What do you mean by 'long lost love'?" said Rukia.
"What I mean is that you both found your mates," said Tatsuki, making the third girl squeal as she hugged the non-identical twins.
"OMG! I cannot wait to meet them. They'll be perfect for you," squealed the girl.
"Rangiku!" shouted the non-identical twins, making the other two laugh.

The red string.
FanfictionToshiro Hitsugaya is a 15 year old high school boy. He is the cousin of the Kurosakis and Hiro Ichimaru. Toshiro and his twin brother, Hoshiro, are both transferred from Junrinan High School to Karakura High school when they moved homes. Toshiro and...