Terrible Beasties

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Amber's abilities allow her to create some powerful creatures. She usually starts them out as poison dart frogs. Hmm and you wonder why she always has them? Tsk.

Toxic hounds - mutated, acidic, and hell of a smart creature. They are completely deaf and blind.
Using thermal senses to detect prey. They emit a low level of radiation that can become harmful over time. But what's deadly about them is their acid like venom dripping and coating their long canines and incisors.

Even though deaf, their ears are mutated to pick up vibrations

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Even though deaf, their ears are mutated to pick up vibrations. And they can still smell. Amber very much enjoys using these toxic hounds. They can multiply off each other. As well as have the intelligence to mind link. Communicate. Making it tricky to kill just one.
They travel in packs.

Toxic Dragon - A fierce powerful dragon letting off toxic fumes and able to shoot poisoned spikes. This guy is fun to use for intimidation as well as having air born battles for he can fly.

 This guy is fun to use for intimidation as well as having air born battles for he can fly

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His toxic flames and smoke can cause quite the destruction.

Will be updating more soon -A

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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