Requests Open

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     So the requests are open once more. As previously mentioned, I will only do the first five to be commented. However, if you want a lemon, you have to request it. Also, if you have any specofoc ideas about the chapter that you want to happen during the story, please tell me. Otherwise, that's pretty much it.

     If you want one of your OC's to be a character in a story, bare in mind that they will not replace (Y/N), unless specifically requested. And, the reader or other character doesn't have to be either meek or shy. They can be depressed, oblivious, empathetic, psychopathic, or even something weirder, like undead, a zombie, or a serial killer (because not all psychopaths are serial killers). 

     Also, try to avoid harems. While I myself am not monogamous, it is a heck of a lot harder to write more than 1 female which loves the main character. What's more, I can't get as much depth into the characters if it's a harem, because I'm forced to advance the plot instead of making it overly repeticious and evident that I'm trying to include all the characters. So if you want more than one female body at a time, request something like "female hive mind x male reader" or "humanoid alien queen x female reader".

     Another things is that if you want me to do something from an anime or something, be prepared to explain its plot. I had to read the wiki on Prison School, and that was annoying. No hard feelings, but please try not to do that. Be precise, and don't be vague.

     I've also decided that the lover does not have to be a yandere. Bare in mind, however, that if it can end badly, I will try and make it end badly.

     Finally, I would like to wish you all a very enjoyable break from people during this quarantine, and hope these chapters bring some much needed variation of entertainment.

Recapitulation (largely something I can copy and paste onto the next requests open chapter):

     - The reader can be either female or male, or anything in between.

     - The lover can only be female or something that simulates being female. For complete honesty, I will not feel comfortable going into the whole transgender malarky. Please avoid that. I don't have a problem with it, but don't go there.

     - OCs are accepted. Try not to make them overpowered, or too two dimensional. OCs that are overpowered but are still relatable, perhaps as a satire, will be accepted. Something like One Punch Man.

     - Try not to do harems. I'm too lazy to write that sh*t.

     - Don't be vague about what you want unless you specifically want something in which I improvise, whereupon you should tell me to Improvise with this symbol infront of your request: IMP. (Yes, like the pilot of the show, and like the demon.)

     Anyways. That's all I can think of for now. When you request something, be prepared for a friendly conversation with me about what you want. Also, even if you see that there are already 5 requests, feel free to request anyway. If the idea is particularly good, I will do it anyway. I will respond to any and all requests. but I will not write them all.


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