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"Can you pass me your perfume?"

"Aphie, you didn't even smoke," Carla laughs, tossing her the bottle anyway. "That boyfriend of yours is really changing you."

"I guess," Aphrodite shrugs, spritzing herself generously. She spent lunch behind the school with her friends, who were smoking, and the smell definitely lingered on her. "I think it was time I changed a little anyway."

Grayson tosses a stick of gum at her, which hits her directly in the cheek. He laughs out an apology when she gives him the middle finger, but accepts the gum. "Sure you don't wanna skip class with us, Aphie?"

"I've got chemistry with E, I should probably go so I'm not late," she sighs, slinging her bag over her shoulder. "You guys should consider going to class sometime too."

"That's boring. But we'll catch you later."

Aphrodite waves as she skips toward the building, slipping in a side door and through the halls. She barely makes it to class on time, collapsing in her seat next to Ethan just as the bell is ringing.

He turns to her with a soft smile before giving his attention to Mr. Magnus.

Class was boring, as usual, but she managed to only zone out for half of it. Ethan nudged her on occasion to keep her as present as possible, which was appreciated. He was better at paying attention than she was.

"...do you need to copy my notes?" He asks at the end of class, offering her his notebook.

"No, I got most of them, I think," she hums, tucking her own notebook under her arm. "Thanks though, baby."

"Aphrodite, can you stay behind for a moment?" Mr. Magnus asks when he sees her almost out the door. "It'll be quick."

Wincing and hoping she isn't failing again, she nods and walks over to his desk as other students filter out. Nosily, Ethan pretends to take extra long packing up his things to listen in. He's so quiet that the teacher doesn't notice anyhow.

"Is my grade okay?" She asks, biting her lip. "I know I forgot the homework today, but--"

"It's alright, Aphrodite," Magnus reassures, flipping through some papers. "I just wanted to let you know that your grade has gone up quite a bit. You have a B now... and here's your latest text grade."

Her eyes widen, seeing that A- scribbled on top in red pen.

Overall, she felt like she was understanding a lot more. Her and Ethan still studied together at least once a week, they still did homework together some days, but for her to do that well on a test? It was relieving.

"I don't think you need tutoring anymore, and Ethan's filled his community service hours, but obviously you two are welcome to continue to study together. I told him that last week, actually, but I couldn't find the time to grab you until now. I'm impressed, Aphrodite."

"Thank you," she grins, handing back her test. "And I promise I'll have my homework next class."

"Have a good day, Aphrodite."

She turns around and her eyebrow raises at Ethan hanging by the door, grabbing his hand and pulling him straight into the hallways. "E, I'm passing. With a B! You're a really good tutor, baby. Thank you."

"You're cute when you're excited," he mumbles, her arms wrapping around him. He stumbles backward before hugging her back, laughing quietly in her ear. "It was all you, Aph. I just showed you a few things."

"E, I would definitely be failing right now if it weren't for you," she tells him, gripping both sides of his face just as the bell rings. Hurriedly, she plants a kiss on his lips as the halls empty. "I'll let you get to class. Meet me at my car when we're out?"

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