Power of the Lasso

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We were all sitting in the hanger of the ship, discussing the plan.

"The Unity brings all three boxes together in perfect sync. It's power builds until it can't be contained. But if I can cause a delay between each box, even for a nanosecond it's energy will cascade, form a loop" Victor informed.

"And feed on each other" I added.

Suddenly another bump of turbulence knocked me over, crashing me into Barry.

"Sorry" I replied, blushing lightly.

"I-it's fine" he replied back sheepishly, then turning out attention back to the plan.

"And that's it? We just pull them apart? No fuss no muss" Barry asked.

"Separating the Boxes is still gonna cause a massive surge, I'll have to be there but you guys should think about getting clear" Victor said and I scoffed.

"There's no way I'm leaving" I replied.

"We're with you until it's done" Diana said.

"Also I think we're all gonna be dead before that" Arthur said, making us all look at him. "And you know what? I don't mind, it's an honourable end. But we gotta shut Steppenwolf down, Superman's a no show"

"You got no powers" he said, pointing at Bruce. "No offence"

"This guy may be working for the enemy, we don't know" he said signalling to Victor.

"Your tripping over your own feet and mind" he said to Barry, making me snicker and take a sip of my water bottle.

"Hoof, your gorgeous, and fierce and strong and mmm. I know we went to war with the Amazons but that was before my time" he said to Diana.

"And you. Your a fiery kid, honestly I'm a little scared of you" he said looking at me, making me smirk and take another drink. His facial features then changed to a smirk. "Also, just kiss the kid and save us all the agony"

I spat out my water, chocking and blushing in embarrassment, making everyone else, besides Barry, laugh.

I looked up at the boy to see his face still in shock.

I turned back to glare at Arthur, only to see he's sitting on Diana's Lasso of Truth, making me to inwardly snicker as he continued talking, his mood getting more depressing.

"And ya know what? I don't wanna die, I'm young, theres shit that I wanna do" he said and I looked at Diana as she worked it out too, sighing and biting her lip, me doing the same to stop us from laughing.

"I just feel like I never really embraced the sea or the land, I've been a loner my whole life and being apart of something bigger like this" he explained and Bruce pointed to the lasso.

"Maybe I'm scared, I'm meant to-" Arthur looked at Bruce then stopped, pulling the lasso out from under him making me burst into a fit of laughter, everyone else smirking at him. He threw the lasso back to Diana.

"I think that was beautiful" Diana commented amused.

"Yeah, you should do TED talks" I replied through laughter. He got up and stood in front of me.

"Shut up" He said.

"Don't get too close, I might scare you" I replied, bursting out into laughter again.

He huffed and started walking away. Barry went to talk but Arthur got in his face.

"You say a word about this and you'll meet every pronoun I know" he snapped at Barry before walking off.

"I honestly didn't hear anything after we're all gonna die" he said with a slightly scared face, suddenly blushing and looking at the ground. "A-nd what he said t-o (Y/n)"

"Great now we've had our pep talk, I'm uh gonna go" I said awkwardly, walking out of the hanger.

I went to the bathroom and splashed my face, looking at my beetroot skin in the mirror.

"Why did Arthur have to make things awkward" I sighed, drying my face and walking out, preparing myself for the fight coming.

Barry's POV

"Great now we've had our pep talk, I'm uh gonna go" (Y/n) said awkwardly, walking out of the room. I sighed inwardly, watching her leave.

"Maybe she doesn't like me" I thought sadly. "I mean I'm not Aquaman, I'm a scrawny little kid and she's amazing, she could get any guy she wanted, why would she choose me?"

Timeskip to arriving

We stood at the hanger door as it opens, revealing a weird blue dome covered in roots. The place looked like a supernatural grave yard.

"I'm gonna take out that tower and knock down that shield, you get to Steppenwolf, don't wait for me. Just do the job" Bruce said.

"Bruce" I said but he closed the hanger door. I stared as the ship took off, then looking out at the land.

Watching as he took down the field and somehow got the parademons to follow him.

"He's clearing the field" Victor said.

"Oh my god he's an idiot" I said.

"He won't last three minutes" Diana added.

"Then let's use them" Arthur responded. Diana looked at us all.

"On my lead" she said and we took off.

Sorry this chapters a little short but the next one will be longer. I promise. I still hope you enjoyed and I'll see you all next update.

~ A. G

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