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"All right, Cap, Scottie. I got our scepter in the elevator just passing the 80th floor," Tony's voice crackled through the comms as Steve motioned for Scottie to follow him. This was their time to strike and get the sceptre before it left the building and headed to Sokovia where it would be used to give Wanda and her brother powers.

"On it. Head to the lobby," Steve instructed Tony, Scottie hot on his heels as they paused outside the elevator doors.

Pressing the button, Steve turned to Scottie with a mischievous glint in his eyes. She tilted her head in confusion as he looked at her with a small smirk of excitement on his face.

"Okay so... here's the plan."

Agent Sitwell, Rumlow and the rest of the double agents all took a deep breath as the elevator doors in front of them slid open to reveal the one and only Captain America and their newest threat, Scottie Casey.

"Captain. I thought you were coordinating search and rescue?" Sitwell asked, visibly more tense as the two superheroes moved into the elevator.

"Change of plans," Steve firmly replied, any trace of the smirk he had minutes prior now long gone. Scottie moved from one foot to the other awkward as Rumlow eyed her suspiciously.

"Casey. Have you done something with your hair since we saw you five minutes ago? You look older," he mused, causing Scottie to almost swear under her breath as she realised they had overlooked the fact she was clearly no longer a teenager. "Hey, Cap."

They both let the tension leave their bodies as Rumlow moved on without anymore questions on her change in appearance, simply eyeing them both up with his hand moving to his gun at his side.

"Rumlow," Steve greeted back. "I just got a call from the Secretary. We're gonna be running point on the scepter."

"Sir? I don't understand," Sitwell interrupted instantly, shooting a panicked look with some of the men that surrounded the two Avengers. Scottie knew that if she had her powers, they all would have felt the temperature rise from her nerves.

"We got word there may be an attempt to steal it," Scottie replied smoothly, a much better liar now than she had been back in 2012. It was no secret that Scottie Casey was the world's worst liar when she was new to the team.

"Sorry, Cap. I can't give you the scepter, Rumlow informed them both, his hand ready to pull out his taser any second. He knew they could take Steve but he wasn't sure how they would all handle the superpowered girl.

"I'm gonna have to call the Director."

"That's okay. Trust me," Steve murmured. "Hail Hydra."

"Hail Hydra," Scottie mimicked as she smiled at Rumlow. The man's jaw dropped in amazement that SHIELD's golden boy and girl were actually on their side.

Scottie would have screamed in delight at it actually working, had her excitement not been cut short the second they exited the lift and came face to face with 2012 themselves.


Maybe it was being shot with her own beam of energy that triggered her realisation, but Scottie slowly stood up from the ground with a lot more on her mind than the fact she had just been blasted five floors down by teenage her.


The word had been ringing through her mind ever since she had heard it, almost as if something was calling out to her and warning her. The second her body had absorbed the energy blast that younger her had shot towards her, it was almost as if she could feel the mind stone talking to her like it had when she had absorbed it before fighting Thanos. It felt like it had yelled out Vormir in such a way that she almost felt as if she had began to grieve something.

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