its always been you

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third person pov

'well you see.....' but before jorge can finish benji cuts in

'are you seeing someone,  cause if you are then i can....distance myself,, it isn't ~ a big deal'  benji ends his sentence on more of a question than anything

'thats not it' jorge says straight faced

'then what is it' benji says

'its you' jorge says looking into benjis eyes

'whats me' benji says looking away from the intense stare

'this isn't how this was supposed to go' jorge says while pulling on his fingers,  a habit he does when hes nervous

'what' benji asks yet another question

'its always been you' jorge says while pulling benji over to set on the couch next to him

'w-what are you saying' benji curses himself mentally for stuttering

'from the moment i had met you i knew that you were the one for me,, and then we broke up and ever since i've just been hung up on the thought of you returning one day.   it's always been you benji,  and it will always be you.   you make me wanna wake up in morning,  well you and cam.   you are one of the greatest things i've ever had in life and i-i just wish things would've been different i guess.   i always told addy that i still wanted you and how i still love you,  and she always told that i can't stay hung up on your forever and when you'd have relationships or post with someone else i physically wanted to break,  but i couldn't.  cause i have a son,  we have a son,  and i had to be strong for him.  i still have to be strong for him.   that kid is my world,  but part of my world feels incomplete without you by my side.   so benjamin aleksander krol....will you be my,, boyfriend'  jorge ends his small rant by wiping his tears upon his shirt sleeve

and then silence fell,,  and jorges anxiety was rising,,  while benji stood taking in all the new information he just endeared

(a/n:  i'm not sure if i used the word endeared in the right context)

'i-i love you so much' was all benji could get out before he pulled jorge towards him by his waist and kissed him passionately

'of course i'll be your boyfriend' benji says when he pulled back to take a breath only to reattach their lips

benji and jorge had gon up to check on their son since he had been quiet only to find that he had fallen asleep peacefully on his bed snuggling his ironman action figure.  

both benji and jorge had then decided to go and watch a movie and sooner they had both fallen into a peaceful slumber.  

their limbs wrapped around one another
and content smiles formed in their faces


me ? updating ? woahhhhhh.....anygays. enjoy this filler while i try and find motivation to write ✨

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