Chapter One: Part Six

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A few days had passed and the feeling had settled in her gut but nothing was wrong. The place was all in order and things had been calm around the camp but still, her uneasiness lingered causing a string of restless nights though Emmy had adjusted over her time in the land of the walking dead to run on barely any sleep. It was survive or die so there weren't any options in the matter and as usual, the sun was barely peeking through the trees and the sky was still lightly littered with stars but she was up and ready for the day.

"Emmy!" Sarah called out causing Emmy to stop in her tracks. The yard was pretty empty this time of day only those on guard and early morning chores were up and about.

"Morning, Sarah" she greeted the girl with a smile. It had become their regular routine every morning the pair would wander down to the chicken coop and collect the eggs. Sarah was always an early bird anyway so she fit right in with Emmy. "How are you and Chris doing?" the question made Sarah blush everyone knew how things were back in order that Sarah and Chris were living together it was a small community and word tended to travel fast.

"Fine, he's adjusted so well without his hand" Sarah smiled "I'm so proud of the progress he's made and of course your help Em."

"I've done what I have to" Emmy shrugged as she made her way towards the coop.

"I heard they are coming back from their run today. Four days out there" Sarah shivered at the thought "if I wasn't here I don't think I could handle a day."

"Sarah you're a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for" Emmy gave the mousy girl a smile as she unlatched the door she barely opened it before an array of chickens came barrelling out.

"Thanks, Em. You always look on the positive side" Sarah smiled as she followed Emmy into the makeshift wooden shed.

"What's the alternative? Got to keep hope alive you know or everything just goes to hell" Emmy spoke as she leisurely wandered along the chicken nesting boxes searching each one for eggs.

"No, I get it. I mean looking at the world we live in it's definitely something hard to have but I guess it's why it's needed so much right?" Sarah's large eyes watched Emmy. She was like a child though barely younger than Emmy herself it was obvious of Sarah's sheltered upbringing.

" Right... Hey Sarah..." Emmy sighed " I know I've been busy the last few months and everyone was so caught up on fixing this place up that I never... I never got to..."

"Em, it's okay. I mean everyone lost someone when everything happened and me losing my mum..." Sarah forced a smile "but it's okay I mean she was my mother yes but well... You knew my mum." Emmy simply nodded there wasn't much to say that was true after all she did know Sarah's mother and she had been a nasty person even horrible to Sarah but at the end
of the day she was still her mum.

"Em! Em!" The shouting caught both the girls by surprise.

"Brae?" Emmy questioned watching her heavily pregnant friend attempt to rush across the yard but struggling with her rounded stomach.

"What is it?" Emmy asked as she leaned out of the chicken coop doorway.

"It's Kai he's calling on the radio" the words caused an instant unsettling feeling in the pit of her stomach. She didn't need another word said instead she ran from the coop with Brady following behind.


"Kai? Kai? Hello, are you there?" Emmy spoke once she got into the house her hand quick to grab the receiver or the radio her hand shaking with nerves.

"Em... Em... Something happened, Something bad. A bunch of trucks showed up started firing" Kai's voice came through amongst the static.

"What! Are you okay?" Emmy asked she hadn't even noticed Brady had come in and placed a comforting hand on the brunette's shoulder.

"There isn't many of us left, Em... The truck is shot to hell and the rest of us are injured... I don't know how we will make it home" Kai explained.

"Okay, how bad are your injuries?" Emmy raked a hand through her thick waves of hair growing overwhelmingly worried.

"It's just Jay, Troy and I left. Jay isn't too bad just a couple of grazes, I've got a few things needing stitching and crazy as shit Boy Scout decided to stay front line under the attack so he's got a few bullet wounds... Lucky they were lousy shots" he explained the panic obvious in his voice.

"Kai... Kai, how far are you from home?" Emmy cleared her throat trying to hide the panic bubbling out of her.

"Still a good three hours out... I don't know how long the radio is going to hold out at this point... Em things are pretty bad out here all the noise has caught a lot of those rotting assholes attention" Kai explained.

"Give me directions Kai to your location we are coming to get you" but there was nothing but static in return "Kai! Kai!" Emmy shouted through the radio "anyone!" She shouted "shit..." she slammed down the receiver.

"What are we going to do Em?" Brady asked nervously her hand tensing on her best friends shoulder.

"Shit... shit... shit" Emmy grumbled as she ran to her father's old desk rifling through the maps on top.

"What are you doing?" Brady spoke softly as she followed.

"I'm going to find the map of the route they took cause I'm going to go and find them..." Emmy slammed her hands to the wooden desktop "I'm bringing our boys home..."


Sorry this took longer than expected to update but I hope you enjoy xx

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