stage 9 cancer

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I know your not doing well
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I wanted to tell Xinlong that I had stage 9 lung cancer but i was afraid that he wouldn't care.

Xinlong: what's troubling you

You: I I it's nothing

Xinlong: no you know you can tell me anything

You: I I know it is just you might not care

Xinlong : Yes I would . At this point he was nearly crying

You went to Xinlong and told him That You had stage 9 lung cancer but

Xinlong: why why didn't you tell me sooner mater of fact why didn't you tell your brother.

You: I I was scared I liked you Xinlong but I was afraid you didn't like me

Xinlong: of course I like you

It has been years and you and Xinlong have been together even if your going to die.

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