Chapter 3

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On my way home, I couldn't help but let out a couple of tears. I was so frustrated with what happened, and the more I thought about it, the worse I felt and the more tears that fell. I hated crying, I hated it. It always made me feel so weak. I have to constantly put up a front that I don't care what others think, that I'm not weak or an easy target for bullying. Yet here I am now, crying over a stupid little argument with my best friend.

As soon as I got home I noticed my Dad's truck was already in the driveway, which meant he was already getting started on his first beer of the night. So I decided to go around to the back of the house and climb in through my bedroom window, instead of taking the chance of possibly getting into another argument and fight with him. 

My dad wasn't always like this. He used to be very loving and involved; he never ignored you and listened attentively to everything you told him, like what you said actually mattered. 

But that all changed when my younger sister Michelle died.  Five years ago my sister was diagnosed with Leukemia at eight years old and there was nothing that the doctors could do. So for two years our family watched as El slowly deteriorated before she finally passed away peacefully in her sleep. 

Since then, our family has never been the same. 

So my mother not only works double shifts to pay for bills, but to keep herself busy so that she doesn't have time to think about El, or even her other daughter that is still alive. The same goes for my dad, who drinks away his pain and memory of El every night. 

Not once have they thought in the three years that El has been gone, that maybe they could move on with their lives and be thankful for the one daughter that they still have. Yet, I know that at this point if they haven't been able to pull themselves out of their grief, they never will. 


I almost fell out of my bed from my phone ringing. I quickly went to answer it before my Dad got angry and noticed that the sun was already setting outside.

"Daniels residence."

"Andrea, it's Doc."

"Doc? Is everything okay? I haven't heard from you in a couple days and I was starting to worry?"

"I'm fine, I've been working on the flux capacitor."

"The flux capacitor? But I thought you bashed the project when you were unable to obtain plutonium?"

"I found a way around that and now it's all ready. Can you meet me at Twin Pines Mall tonight at 12:30? I need your help setting everything up."

I looked over at the clock and saw that it was already 7:00 p.m.

"Of course, I'll be there."

But before we ended the conversation I couldn't help but think about Marty being there, too, so I asked,

"Hey Doc, does this mean that Marty will be there, too?"

Doc asked concernedly " Why do you ask? Is something wrong?"

"No!" I quickly replied, "I mean, we had a little argument and I would really prefer not to see him or have to talk to him any time soon."

There was a long pause that became surprisingly nerve-racking, but Doc finally said "No, I don't think he'll be here tonight. But even then, I really need your help. Will you please come?"

I mulled it over in my head and realized that it was the least that I could do. After El died, Doc and Marty were the only people that were there for me. 

But any time I got into a huge fight with my Dad, I ran over to Doc's and stayed the night at his place. Every time I came over, Doc welcomed me with open-arms and had no problem with me crashing at his place every once in a while, even if it was for a couple days in row. 

During those periods, I would help him with his experiments and do stuff around his house to make up for imposing, but he never saw it that way and always insisted that I was welcome to come over any time. So he has been like a second dad to me and I couldn't say no to helping him. 

"Yeah, I'll be there tonight."

"Thank you, Andrea. See you at 12:30."

"See you then."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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