Baby Bella Cullen!

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Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight!

A/N I'm just trying out this story first I will continue with the story if I get 10 or more reviews, its your call.

Chapter 1:

Charlie tried to fight of the men however they were unusually strong with bright red eyes. He knew something was wrong when he returned home from work at Fork's police department, and hear his newborn daughter, Bella, screaming. He panicked and ran upstairs to check on her.

Bella was only two weeks old and with gorgeous brown eyes like her mother Renee. After seeing she was unharmed he retreated to his bedroom where he found Renee on the floor in a puddle of blood. Their were two men standing over her with Renee's blood around their mouths. Charlie saw red and charged at the beasts who took his wife's life. Fighting to his death he realized they were two strong for him and worried for his daughters safety, he managed to grab his cell phone and press the automatic button for the police department. He knew the police would arrive any minute. Knowing his daughter had a good chance of survival he embraced the darkness that was clouding his eyes and found his way back to his wife.

Baby Bella Cullen! (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now