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Shen Yue wakes up to her alarm ringing.
She was to lazy to get up. But she has too because she needs to keep herself going for her brother. He is her inspiration to get up everyday.

She then sits on the side of her bed and wear her headphones and chose a song to listen to. As she gets her bath towel preparing herself for a bath, she stumbles upon her almost torn up shoes.

She then picks it up. The bottom part is starting to come off. She then looks for her shoe glue.

As she was looking for it, Because of not hearing anything, she didn't realise that Dylan was already using the bathroom and taking a shower.

She didn't knew that someone was using the other room, so she really didn't bother. She then glues the broken part of her shoe.

Once she was done with that, she then proceeds to the washroom. Wang He Di didn't hear anything because of the sound of the water from the shower head. Then Yue brushes her teeth.

Then Dylan turned off the shower as he was done. He then hears a sound. It's like someone brushing their teeth (A/N:lol I can't describe the sound. But it's the sound the toothbrush makes when you brush your teeth)

He found it strange because he knows he's the only one who uses the guest room. He then opened the shower curtain and to his surprise...

There's a girl. A familiar looking girl brushing her teeth at the sink. He then remembered who it was. It was Shen Yue.

'What The Hell is She Doing here?'

He thought to himself.


Then Shen Yue's eyes widened when she looked at Dylan.

"AAAHHHH!!" She then squealed and cover her eyes.

Dylan didn't knew why she was covering her eyes.


Then Shen Yue faced the sink and immediately rinsed of the bubbles inside her mouth. Then Dylan looked down to realize that he wasn't wearing anything on. Not even a single clothing.

"Oh sh!t" He then wraps the towel around him.

'So that's why she looked away...' Dylan thought. 

As Shen Yue tried to rush going out, she then slipped and fell at the floor.

"Come On, Let me help you" Dylan then reaches out for his hand. But she refused. She stood up all by herself.

"I Won't accept help from you! You are the most disgusting boy in the universe!"

She then punches him in the eye which caused at massive black eye.


She then pushes him into his room and locked the door

'What the hell did I just witnessed?' She asked to herself as she was standing beside the door. She then decided to just brush it off and proceeded to take a bath.

Meanwhile in Dylan's room, he cannot believe what just happened to him. He was embarrassed. But mad at the same time.

'How dare her punch me in the face like that?' He asked to himself. He then decided to just get himself changed.

After he got changed he then knocked into Darren's room.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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