i'm falling for u, i'm falling for u, i'm falling you once again

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revised [10/28/21]

I am soooo sorry for disappearing; I went [poof] like a bubble. I revised all the chapters and currently writing one... All I could say.. I didn't like my old style, I can't- anyway, so.. I write in an ao3 way of flow now (I think??)

Also, I did some major changes in this chapter, and gave more character depth/backstories so I hope it's still nice to read ~~

Special thanks to Grammarly for upercase lettering :P

As usual, the brackets are my personal comments!
that being said, let's proceed onto the story ::

: Fluff, Mutual Pining, Admiration, Cafès, and Confessions, Tooth-rotting fluff, Pet-names, (a ton of) Flirting, angst what angst?

Chapter: About time when Jeonghan- the genius, as usual- succeeds to set up Joshua to Seokmin. The mentioned pair subtlety declined hangouts when the other was attending, (actually they weren't very subtle) to bypass each other. Resulting in their friend circle meetups to an incomplete one. To sum it up, Joshua is Seokmin's long-time crush that likes him back and both are in their in-denial stage. No one tries making a move, and (Cupid) Jeonghan finally had enough.

Additional Notes: I have given my best to write a romance-related chapter so... If it's cringe, my bad. I also live for Jihan's dynamic in here! Lastly, I don't know anything about fashion so check the image above for their looks.

"Seriously, Jeonghan, Are you sure this is a good idea?" The black-haired male muttered anxiously to his dear friend, perceptible to anyone that's the male is currently nervous about Jeonghan's plan- a spontaneous one- of setting them up into a surprise hangout (date) way, except that Seokmin doesn't know a thing at all.

They're now only waiting for Seokmin's text to Jeonghan so that he could go there and Joshua finds himself torn in two, he wanted time to slow down for him to prepare his words and sanity but a part of him wishes that it needs to be over soon thus return to- well, whatever relationship they had.

"Seriously, Joshua. Why are you doubting me? My plan is simple and effective. This is Yoon Jeonghan you're talking to," adding emphasis on the 'seriously,' deeming there's nothing to worry about, that in fact, whatever he's planning comes true because, well- he's Jeonghan.

After saying that, Jeonghan casually plops back on the couch that is in front of the male.

That's what makes him nervous. He gets the idea of a 'surprise' and Joshua would be lying if he's strongly opposed to that but what if, just what if.. the younger really didn't want to see him? What if he arrives there then does not remember what to say? What if Seokmin gets uncomfortable due to them spending fewer times with each other, or worse, get unsettled (which is unlikely so) for lying to him-

The overthinking male snapped out his thoughts when a soft thing- oh, a plushie- hit him directly on the face. The male removed it from his face with a grunt then scowls at his dear best friend, Jeonghan. The culprit just leaned back on his position with a roll of his eyes.. and smiled teasingly after, scaring the male by the weird change of demeanor.

"You're really that nervous? Hm. You're whipped, whipped."

The comment that Jeonghan left did nothing to falter Joshua's previous scowl on him. He merely stands up from his seat and fixes the younger's collar, going, "Come on, he likes you, or even more than that. Seokmin-ie had ranted to me a lot that he missed spending time with you," it instantly made the other male quiet while his cheeks crimsoned and a little smile.

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