Chapter 5

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"Why are you on my doorstep?" I leaned against my doorframe and stared confusedly. Kade smiled and rose the bag up to the side of his head, showing off my food.

"Brought you your Italian!"

"Let me start from the beginning. How did you find my house, and who gave you my food?"

He cleared his throat, "I texted you like an hour ago apologising. I think your friend or roommate picked up your phone, said a few... words, and told me to buy you takeout. She told me your address too. Will you let me come in?"

Oh my god. Caroline. "I- you're serious?"

Kade looked as serious as ever, minus the playful smile on his lips. "'Course I am. Foods getting cold though, so will you let me in?" Wordlessly I pushed myself away from the doorframe and stood aside, watching as he wiped his feet on the doormat then walked in. His tall frame looked almost comical as it squeezed through the old door.

"Um, you can leave the food on the coffee table. I'll be right back." I mumbled, wrapping my arms over my stomach as Kade nods and walks over to the couch. I entered my room and grabbed my phone from the desk, unlocking it immediately and calling Caroline seconds later. It didn't take her long to pick up and I instantly heard the chatter from a restaurant come from her side.

"Hey! I take it your food has arrived?" She asked. I sighed and rubbed my head, looking at myself through the mirror at what I looked like- a mess.

"Caroline Preshill, tell me you didn't invite Kade over here."

She mumbled a few words from her side of the phone before returning back to me seconds later. The background noise died down and I assumed she excused herself to the restroom. "I promise I did it with good intentions, Ives. You deserve and apology and as your best friend I am making sure you get one."

"I'm wearing a tank top and my fish-print sweatpants, Care!" I whispered harshly into the phone, biting back a smile as I heard her laugh. "Couldn't you have warned me or something?"

"Now that would just ruin the surprise. Look, his messages seemed somewhat sincere and when I called him he picked up immediately and apologised to me like he meant it. And I'm only your best friend- he hasn't even met me. I think you should give the guy a chance only if you want to."

Biting my lip, I put my phone down and on speaker as I grabbed a hoodie from behind the door and slid it on me. I was grateful I was wearing a bra underneath the semi see-through top. "I'll give it a go only because he's here already. Can't believe you're doing this, Caroline!"

She heard the tease in my voice just like I heard the smile through her words. "You'll love me for it later. Have fun, okay?"

"I'll try. How are things going over there?"

"His parents are late 'cause of traffic but otherwise good. The restaurant is pretty far away so I might just spend the night with him, if that's okay."

"Obviously. Text me tonight and let me know how everything goes. Love you!"

"Love you!" I hear her kiss through the speaker as I end the call, dropping the phone onto my bed and rubbing my face tiredly. My glasses sat amongst the mess on my desk all forgotten so I put them on before making my way out of the room and back to the living space, where Kade had set everything up already.

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