Old friend

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Paige POV

"Alexa! Come sit with us," Gabby waved at Alexa.

She glanced and hesitated but instead of running away, she walked towards our table.

My heart beats fast.

"Sit here," Gabby offered.

I still lowered my head, staring at my drinks.

Alexa sat beside Gabby and across to me.

"Do you still recognized me though?" Gabby asked.

"Uhh... Gabby isn't?" She hesitated.

"Thank God you remember," Gabby chuckled.

"Guys, this is Alexa, Alexa these are my friends. Lucas, Luna they were twins and this is Paige," Gabby introduced us.

"Hey there. How did you know this hottie?" Lucas smiled to Alexa and asked Gabby.

"We used to go to the same high school and university," Gabby replied.

I took a sipped of my drinks.

"No way. You also went to Harvard ?!" Luna asked Alexa.

She nodded.

"Whoaaa. I can't believe that I sat with two crazy geniuses here," Lucas said, amazed.

Gabby laughed at his reaction.

"You're overreacting Lucas," Gabby rolled her eyes.

Lucas chuckled.

"How are you doing? I haven't seen you since you graduated," Gabby asked Alexa.

"I...um taking a little break. What about you?" Alexa asked. I knew that she's avoiding that topic.

"I'm doing pretty good. After graduated few years after, I worked as an intern in Korean Hospital," Gabby said.

Yeap. Gabby is a doctor now and she's the most intelligent among us.

"Oh.. that's great," Alexa nodded.

"If you graduated earlier, means that your older than us?" Luna raised her eyebrow.

Gabbie chuckled and Alexa glanced at her before she spoke.

"I graduated earlier and skipped grades," Alexa said.

"Wow, now thats...even cool," Luna said.

"What about your......" Gabby stopped.

"Sorry. I almost forgot," Gabby gave guilt smile.

"It's fine," Alexa said and slurped her Starbucks drinks.

The thought of them knowing each other makes me a feel little bit uneasy. I'm not sure why.

We kept on talking and laughing, but not Alexa. Of course she would put her emotionless face but I could sense that she was into the conversations we had.

"I still remember the students at school used to call her Princess Emotionless and another one was 'beautiful but cold Angel' ," Gabby laughed.

I chuckled, Lucas and Luna also laughed.

"Well at least I won't get detentions for escaping the History classes," Alexa exclaims.

I laughed at what she said.

"Genius also escaped classes eh?" I teased.

"Hey! History lectures were boring AF," Gabby defend herself.

Lucas and Luna nodded in agreement.

I glanced at Alexa, wishing for her to smile but she didn't.

"I can't believe that you're doctor now," Lucas teased.

"I know, right," Gabby chuckled.

"Do our miss hottie here single and available?" Luna teased.

"There she goes again. May I ask who's straight here?" Lucas chuckled.

"We all. Straight as circle," Gabby rolled her eyes.

We all laughed. Luna was recently coming out as gay and so are her brother. I am gay too and Gabby was bisexual. See? We're straight as circle.

"I asked for our Miss Diva over here, not me," Luna pointed at me.

"She's been a little bit quite and she is blushing a lot didn't she?" Luna chuckled.

"Yeah. When were the last time you were blushing?" Lucas teased.

They all laughed and I shook my head.

"It just....I'm hungry and this food are so delicious," I gave them an excused.

I glanced at Alexa and she was glanced at her watch.

"Uh...I have to go. I have some important things to do," she excused herself.

Liar. I said to myself.

"Oh okay. Thank you for sitting with us," Gabby smiled.

"Its...nice to meet you all," she stood up and walked away.

"Bye," Gabby waved and so are Lucas and Luna.

"I guess you were the one who created Princess Emotionless huh?" Lucas teased.

"You used to like her, weren't you?"Luna asked suspiciously.

And I'm freeze.

"Guys stop it. No. I mean yes, she was emotionless but no, I didn't created it. The guys from the football team and girls from the cheerleaders used to called her that," Gabby sip her drinks.

"Why though?" I finally spoke.

"Well, she rejected everyone. Included the Queen Bee, the hottest guy and the most popular girl back in high school."

"You were from the cheerleaders and also a Queen Bee," Lucas said.

"Yet you still haven't answered my question," Luna exclaims.

"Okay, yeah. I did. But hey who's not. Just look at her. She's hotter now even though she didn't smiled,"Gabby finally answered.

"So, she rejected you?" I teased.

"Geez, no. She didn't rejected me. I didn't even confessed to her. But I guess she knew it,"Gabby said.

"How so?" Lucas interrupted.

"We used to always in the same group for projects and lab. She helped me a lot. She's the top students in our schools and even in university, so I kinda gave her few hints but she acted like she's clueless,"she said.

"Ohhh, sad love high school story," Lucas said.

Gabby rolled her eyes.

"Guys, why don't we check out the new stores around here," I said.

"Sounds good!" Luna said.

We all stood up and walked around the malls.

"I didn't know they all make a great deals and promotions though," Gabby said.

We all sat at the nearby benches in the mall, exhausted from walking around. All of our hands were full with bags. Dad probably won't mind though. I think to myself.

We were not partying types but we're shopping types like we want to bought the entire clothes stores in this mall.

After resting, we all decided to go back home since it's getting late and we parted our ways.

***to be continued...

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