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Isamu stared at Akira's prone form. He couldn't believe his boyfriend was under yet another curse. Akira just couldn't get a break. A hand on the Red Lion's pilot's shoulder startled him. He looked up to see Fala's concerned blue eyes staring back at him. "Kurogane, are you okay?"

Isamu shook his head. "I'm just worried about Aki. He's gone through so much, much more than you realize."

Raible suddenly hurried into the room. "Princess! I have wonderful news! There's hope for Kogane. A dignitary from a neighboring planet can remove all curses from a person."

Fala clapped her hands together. "How wonderful! When will they arrive?"

"Within the next few minutes."

"I will be there shortly." Raible bowed and left. Fala turned back to look at Isamu, who looked stunned. "What's wrong, Kurogane?"

"Did Raible say all curses?"

"Yes, he did. That's good, isn't it?"

"Well, yes, but Aki was actually under a curse when we met you."

"What? He didn't look ill."

"He was cursed during our first mission." Isamu took a deep breath before saying, "Akira was born female."

"What? Why did no one say anything?"

"It was his decision. We were afraid we were going to lose him back then," Hiroshi spoke up from the doorway where he was standing with Tsuyoshi.

Isamu turned around. "Did you hear?"

"That we are getting our leader back? Yeah," Tsuyoshi replied.

"But does he want that?" Isamu asked.

"Of-of course."

Isamu spun around to see Akira's eyes open halfway. "Aki! You heard?"

"Yeah. I'm good with it." He tiredly lifted his hand, Isamu clasping it in his own. "I've lived with this long enough."

Isamu kissed Akira's forehead. "I'm going to stay here and say good-bye to my boyfriend."

Fala slipped out of the room to meet with the dignitary and escort her to Akira's room. Hiroshi and Tsuyoshi stepped closer to Akira. Hiroshi patted Akira's shoulder. "We'll see you when you get back on your feet, Chief."

"Shorty's right, Chief. We're going to miss you, but it'll be a relief to have our original leader back."

Isamu looked at his team mates. "Could we have a moment alone?"

"Of course." Tsuyoshi gently grabbed Hiroshi and all but carried him out of the room.

Isamu turned back to his boyfriend. "Are you sure you are okay with this? You're not just doing this for my sake?"

Akira smiled weakly. "No, Isa. I've lived as a guy too long. I need this. I will feel so much better."

Isamu put his forehead against Akira's. "I'm going to miss you, Aki, but I will love to get my girlfriend back."

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