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Age: 19
Height: 5'10"
Birthday: March 3rd.
Hair Colour: Cyan

Favourite Food: Pizza
Least Favourite Food: Anything with lemon or spice 
Favourite Dessert: Mint Choco-Chip Ice-Cream

Special Talents:
- He's a self-taught ukelele musician, as well as a guitarist.
- He's a brilliant chef with a collection of cute aprons.

Appearance Description:
Rantaro is a lean boy with soft features and a softer smile. With sunkissed cream skin and its constellation of freckles, not to mention his shoulder-length fluffy cyan hair, he's quite the sight to behold. While not conventionally masculine, Rantaro does sport an athlete's lean build with the slightest visible muscles, though they're usually hidden under his oversized cardigan. His hair is often tied up into a half-ponytail, though it doesn't do much to keep the hair from his face. He often sports countless handmade bracelets and cute (but simple) accessories. His hands are long but slim, with the pads of his fingers hardened from playing the guitar. His most famous accessory, however, is his winning smile that seems to put anyone at ease.


- He has zero spice tolerance. He cannot stand even mild spice. His eyes will water and he will pretend to die very dramatically.

- He's the same age as the main character.

- He's been friends with the main character since...they were three years old? They've also been neighbours since then.

- He's not particularly concerned about order or neatness. His room constantly looks like a hurricane hit it, but he can always find what he's looking for.

- He was the main dancer and rapper for the junior idol group 'WONDERLAND', and had a 'loverboy'-type image. 

- He loves to take naps and frequently sleeps on the main character's lap.

- He drinks Starbucks unironically and is in love with the caramel Frappuccino. He adds extra caramel to it as well. He's very basic like that. (BTW, BOYCOTT STARBUCKS !! FREE PALESTINE !!)

- He only eats ice cream if it's in a cone. He will eat ice cream from a cup if it's fed to him by you, though.

- He's a cat person and loves to stop by to pet any and all cats he sees. He likes dogs, too, and any other animals— but cats are his favourite, because they remind him of you.

- He's been unofficially crowned the prince of the school due to his good looks and Tamaki Suoh-type personality. Yes, he does grow mushrooms in the corner if the main character scolds him.

- He's naturally friendly and caring and responds incredibly well to praise.

- He has no concept of personal space and is often found clinging to the main character.

- He smiles way too much.

- He's very dramatic and tends to make huge scenes out of small things. He's an overgrown child to the main character.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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