Mangata-[Hanako x Reader]|Fluff|

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(Hanako-kun surprises you on your birthday.)


It was another day at Kamome Academy. Everyone was normal, students jostling through the halls once the bell rang, releasing students from class. But there was a simple thing that altered today.

It was your birthday.

Another year passing, getting older by the second. Today was a busy day at school so you didn't have much time to recognize your new age. You rarley celebrated anyway. A few "Happy Birthday"s from your friends was enough for your satisfaction.

As you strayed away from your classmates your mind pondered as who you would see next came into thought. Hanako-kun, a childish ghost you never expected to get involved with. But after summoning him, making a wish and all the mishaps inbewteen you two were bonded. And you became Hanako's assistant.

A groan escaped from your lips as you edged closer to the female bathroom. Cleaning toilets wasn't an activity you were fond of, especially on this day. But as usual you sucked up your irritation and walked into the bathroom.

Almost immediately, shock and confusion filled your face. Instead of seeing the bathroom, the afternoon light glimmering and warming every corner, the bathroom was pitch black. Unease started to fill your body as you stepped into the darkness, the only sound filling the room was your movements. Had something happened? Did a scary supernatural come into the bathroom? You could only wonder in fear until a light suddenly flickered warmly. This caught your attention, eyes guiding to it in desperation to know what was happening. But In a similar motion, the lights flicked on aswell.

Taking a moment to adjust your eyes to the light, you finally got a good look at everything. Hanako was stagnent in the air, looking down to you as he held the delicately iced cupcake. Topped with a striped candle, a gentle flame somewhat waving to you. "Happy birthday (Y/N)~" Hanako cooded. His expression was playful as usual, his eyes narrowed as a grin crept onto his lips, a sense of bewilderment shooting into you.

"Hanako-Kun...?" The mystery's name shot from your mouth as you finally found words. Simple questions filled into your head. "Where'd you get the'd you even remember my birthday?" Hanako pouted, whining at your response. "C'mon not even a thank you? You're so mean (Y/N)." You couldn't help but roll your eyes at the childish ghost.

"Thank you Hanako." You chuckled, a smile creeping onto your face. Hanako switched gears quickly, a bright smile forming. "You're welcome!" He placed the cupcake carefully into your hands. It was simple, a vanilla cupcake with sweet white frosting and sprinkles. Seeing Hanako's quiet gaze placed on you, it was easy to figure out what he was waiting for. Leaning closer, you blew onto the candle, the flame sweeping away into smoke.

The ghost clapped gleefully, he seemed happy for you. "What did ya wish for?" Hanako tilted his head in curiosity. Wishing for something hadn't crossed your mind, but you didn't want to give Hanako a disappointing answer. You thought silently for a moment before responding.

"I stop cleaning toliets!"

You exclaimed. Hanako gazed at you I silence. A sigh soon emitted from him. "Fine, fine. You don't have to clean toilets today, how about that?" You couldn't help but beam at Hanako's response. He was serious? Moving swiftly you came foward, wrapping your arms around the ghost. He seemed surprised as you pulled him into a gentle hug. "Thank you Hanako-Kun! You're not so bad after all." You joked. Hanako paused, looking down instead of towards you.

You watched the ghost as he started to move. His head dove down, mouth open to consume your cupcake. You caught on quick enough to push Hanako away. "Hands off!" You yelled, backing away from the ghost. Hanako only responded with a grin, lunging at you. Moments in the bathroom which would usually be spent of you cleaning toilets were replaced with Hanako chasing you around, you both laughing blissfully in the game of cat and mouse.

You soon stopped, standing in the corner near the window seat of the bathroom. You eyed your iced treat. Maybe you should just eat it? But you weren't left with anymore time to think of that. Hanako caught you off guard, spring forward and tackling you onto the ground.

You clenched your eyes shut as you both hit the ground. Due to the swift impact you were left in an uncomfortable position. Arms and legs rather cramped in the position. Your cupcake slammed onto your cheek, icing coating it.

You found yourself shifting in position, finally looking up to the mischievous ghost who caused this mess. Knowing his playful nature he would definitely comment on how lewd the position you two were in. Hanako on top, grinning down at you.

The thought of it made you gulp, looking onto Hanako's crescent eyes. They gleamed, emitting a soft road like reflection, ending at you. You couldn't hush your yelp when Hanako went down.

He licked the frosting clean from your cheek, grinning slyly as your face grew a deeper shade of red. He knew what he was doing. The ghost sang his next words, somewhat mocking you for becoming so flustered.

"I win~!"

Your eyebrows furrowed in frustration. You couldn't let Hanako win that easily. In a moment of desperation to have the uperhand, you let the meshed cupcake roll out of your hands as you grasped onto Hanako's gakuran. Getting a tight grip on the fabric you yanked Hanako down into a soft kiss. The embarrment of your impulsive decision would settle in later.

The two of you sat there, lips locked for what seemed forever until you let go of Hanako, you both pulling away. Hanako looked stunned, attempting to find the correct words. But looking down at your smug expression of pride caused him to laugh.

"Happy birthday (Y/N)."

You had a feeling this would be the best one you've had.


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