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•felt like I needed to explain this, but this is basically like the tea party arc taking place after Mitsuba turns into the 3rd mystery.
•I'm not sure if this could be considered fluff, so I'm just not gonna mark it fluff or angst.

(You wake up in a strange yet beautiful room, unaware of how you arrived. But you're greeted by an old friend)


That was the main emotion you felt as you opened your eyes, taking in your surroundings
You were seated inside of a rather elegant room. Several mirrors scattered around raspberry red walls. Water pooled around your feet, somewhat threatening to pull you in as it pleased. But an array of sweet and inviting smells filled your nose. What was that? Turning your head, you placed your attention among puff pastries and tea. They looked delicious, clearly waiting for someone to consume them. You attempted to move your arms, but a pressure against your wrists became more prominent. To your surprise your wrists were tied down securely. Where you kidnapped? Memories from before waking up here seemed to escape you. But you had no time to stay on that thought. Perking up, you noticed a soft clicking of shoes drawing near. You could feel your muscles tense within seconds. Would you meet your brash kidnapper? Someone who only wanted to use you? Your mind twisted the situation fearfully as the figure stepped into the light.

....This wasn't what you expected.
It was a boy with a slender frame. He wore a tattered black jacket with rather unsettling eyes embellished into it. His hair was a soft shade of pink, speckled with black feathers. He had a red scarf with golden trinkets, extending out into bony exoskeletons. He sent mixed feelings to you. Some of unsettlement and familiarity. You felt as if you'd seen this boy before. He was rather attractive.

Your cheeks burned red when realizing your sudden thought when looking to the pink haired male. He seemed to notice you embarrassment, walking closer. You could feel your stomach twisting into knots as he gazed at you, his oversized sleeve placed onto his chin.

"You're the best they could get?"

His snarky remark broke the silence of the room.
"W-What?!" Your voice called out in offense. Unlike how he appeared he was rather foul-mouthed. So quick to insult. The boy gazed at you, very apathetic. "When they said they were bringing someone I thought they'd be cute like me." He pouted, air filling his around cheeks. Calming yourself, you rolled your eyes attempting to make a snappy remark aswell. "Well you're more rude than you are cute." You shot back at him. This seemed to strike a nerve. Observing him, you could see his expression shift to frustration.

"Wha- Hey!" He went to you, looming over your chair with furrowed eyebrows. You whipped your head away, only glancing at him for moments. But your expression shifted as realization settled in. There was a reason he was so familiar, you recognized him. You shifted your position to look up to the male. "Mitsuba...?" You started. Mitsuba's visible eye shot wide once you allowed his name to slip from your lips. He quickly backed away in shock. "Wha...who even are you? No one remembers me!" He yelled defensively. After viewing the memories of his old self, Mitsuba quickly took on a similar view to him. A chuckle escaped from you. "Seems like you forgot me huh?" Mitsuba was stunned, looking at you silently. You were unaware of the unusual things that had led Mitsuba to this state, but somehow just being in his presence kept your smile everlasting. Despite the unfavorable situation. You soon spoke up once again.

"Mitsuba, did you bring me here..?" You questioned in a soft tone. He took his time answering, a sigh emitting from him. "No. That was Tsukasa and Natsuhiko's job." He replied calmly, averting his gaze from you. Tilting his head, you continued. "Oh..are those your new friends?" You kept a smile as you addressed the male. Mistuba fell silent, looking to you. His emotions were clearly conflicting, processing your innocent question.

Mitsuba clenched his fists. He was above you. He was a school mystery! You weren't. Similar to before Mitsuba walked closer, pushing your chair back to give himself room inbewteen the table and you. Mitsuba placed his hands onto the arms of the chair, standing over you with a focused expression. The boy looked rather frustrated, yet unsure. Your faces edged near. Mitsuba's lips parted as he sucked in air to find his next words.

But the tense moment was shattered by sudden sounds. A door creaked open, a child like voice calling out. "Mitsuba! We're back!" It sang cheerfully. Blood rushed to Mitsuba's face as he realized the presence of others, and the implications of his position. He scrambled to get off the chair, hiding away in a corner. Your eyes followed him as his red face sunk into his hooded jacket.

Looking forward you spotted the trio standing infront of you. In the middle, a slender female with olive green hair. She had a piercing gaze, making you slightly shudder. To the left was a tall male with short, messy red hair. He looked calmer, smug even. He seemed to notice your attention shift to him. He chuckled, winking in your direction. This only served to make you roll your eyes. But to the right, there was a smaller boy. His dark hair was choppy, matted. He wore a rather old shosei-styled uniform. And his eyes, They wouldn't stop following you. They were dark, black as tar. This paired with a gentle smile only gave off a unerving feeling. Where they planning something?

Despite your underlying fear your face was stained red as your mind drifting back to the previous moment. What was that feeling?
Why did you want to...?

♡Toliet Bound Hanako-Kun(oneshots)♡Where stories live. Discover now