Chapter 10

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"What do we do?" whispered Rockkit.

"This is our chance. This is the enemy we have been waiting to defeat," Echokit responded.

She made the call. "Kits of the PondClan nursery, ATTACK!"

Wetkit was the first to launch herself at the fox. She dug her claws into the fur of the fox's foreleg. He snarled angrily, attempting to bite Wetkit, when Alderkit sunk his teeth into the fox's back leg. Confused on which kit to attack, the fox raged at the other kits, trying to get to his senses. Echokit joined the attack, raking another one of the fox's legs. Falconkit flew at the fox's chest, clawing it's chest fur and confusing the fox even more. Nightkit bravely leaped onto the fox's tail and climbed up it's back. The fox roared and shook all of the kits off but Nightkit. The black she-kit clung on, trying to make her way to the fox's neck.

The noise that the fox made woke up almost all of the camp. Frostpelt, the only queen who hadn't gone to the Gathering, poked her head out of the nursery.

"Kits? What are you doing? You were right here in the nursery before I went to sleep! Get away from that fox!" she shrieked. The kits fought on. The fox turned around and headed towards the medicine den, trying to get to the sick cats. Swanfeather, the only medicine den who hadn't gone to the Gathering, shielded them, but stayed in the medicine den. Swiftkit, Whitekit, and Thistlekit all sprang at the fox at once, raking it's pelt while Thistlekit yelled, "Sibling power!" Blood dripped from the spot they had wounded. The fox yelped, and threw himself at Echokit. She attempted to escape but the fox's grasp. His paws were coming in. Right before the fox closed his jaws around her, a flash of black and white appeared and rammed into the fox's paw. The creature howled in pain and charged at Swiftkit, the kit who had saved her. Blossomkit blocked the fox's giant paw, her claws seeping into it's pads. He let out a roar, attempting to attack all of the kits who were hurting him. He ended up whirling around in confusion, pouncing on air. Falconkit launched himself at the fox's neck, quickly scratching his chest fur. Nightkit was struggling to hold on, but she finally managed to climb up the fox's neck and stand on his head. Reaching down, she scratched one of the fox's eyes, partially blinding him. He gave one last snarl of pain and rage before bounding out of the camp.

Minutes later, Hazelstar padded into the camp with the rest of the patrol. Shock ran though all the cats' faces as their gaze rested on the kits.

"What happened?" the leader demanded. "We just saw a half-blinded fox fleeing the territory, and then when we enter the camp we see kits covered in scratches and blood!"

Swanfeather emerged from the medicine den. "They fought it off! By themselves!"

"Impossible!" cried Wolfpelt. "How could ten untrained kits fight off a fox?"

"They did!" insisted Frostpelt. "I don't know how, but they did!"

Sunpaw, who had been lying near the medicine den entrance, heaved herself up and showed herself. "I-I know how they did it," she admitted.

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