He swore on his kids lives

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When I got married to my husband, I was a young and foolish girl. It seemed to me that my husband will always be the same cheerful, kind and loving person that he was before the wedding. But in 10 years of our marriage he has changed a lot.  

My husband is a tall, handsome man; he is charming and can charm anyone, besides he is a good musician... Basically, it is no exaggeration to say that many women and girls were crazy about him. 

At first he did not look at anyone but me, but gradually he began checking out other women, and then began cheating left and right. Nothing could stop him: not stop nor my tears nor our two children who were still small but could already understand that not everything was fine at home. When he cheated on me the first time, then later he begged me on his knees for forgiveness and vowed that it will not happen again. I was very upset and hurt, but I still loved him, so having listened to his seemingly sincere promises I forgave him and didn’t leave him. Although all my threats were then largely only words: where would I go with two small children? 

Then my husband had his second affair, third, fourth ... I suffered, felt jealous and could not understand those girls and women who would have a relationship with him.  

Mostly because he never hid from them that he was married and had two young sons.  

From time to time his girlfriends called me on the phone and told me about how much my husband loved them and that he only stayed with me for the sake of the kids.  

Several times I tried leaving him, but every time my mother-in-law discouraged me, saying that my husband will soon have enough and we will have a normal life again.  

One day my husband did not come home at night, but since I already got used to his antics, I cried a little and went to bed. But the next morning he did not show up at work neither and this had never happened before. This is when I truly became worried.  

My husband did not show up for a week, and all that time my mother-in-law and I have been going crazy with fear. We phoned all the hospitals, and then all the morgues, where we were told that they have unclaimed dead bodies and that we could come and look at them. Can you imagine what we felt like! I was sure that something had happened to my husband: and though he did not spare my feelings, I hoped that he would feel sorry for the children and his elderly mother, at least I thought so. 

And so a week later he came back home. For the first time in many years I realized that I could not live like that anymore. I did not care how I would take care of my kids by myself; I just wanted to be away from him.  

I started packing my things, but my husband initially thought that I was just playing him. He only got worried after he heard me calling a taxi by phone. Then he started begging for forgiveness, was almost kissing my feet and vowing again that it would not happen anymore. But no wonder they say that a single drop fills up the cup. I looked at my husband, and he was disgusting to me. I suddenly felt the joy of knowing that in an hour I will forever get rid of all these problems. I will be able to live in peace, I will not have to endure the insults and humiliation and will not have to cry... Probably, my husband felt my resolve, because he fell on his knees and swore on the health of our children that he would never cheat on my again.

After these words, I actually forgave him and stayed. And how can you not believe a father, who swears on the life of his own kids!  

For almost a year we lived as we were a family again. We went fishing together, went hiking, and constantly went to concerts and theaters. Children became calmer, and they were doing better in school. They were happy for us and our family. 

One day my husband said:  

- What a fool I was, because I always knew that all women are the same. And why did I have so many mistresses? After all, you are the most intelligent and beautiful woman and I am so lucky to have met you.  

And about a month after this conversation, my husband called me the wrong name.  

Of course he tried to turn everything into a joke, but I realized that he was having an affair again.  

But my main misery was still to come. A few days after that "joke" of my husband there was an accident that killed our children. I am sure that only my husband is to blame for it- he swore on the lives of children and did not keep his word. 

After I buried my boys, I left home when my husband was with another mistress. I will never forgive him the death of my children and will never come back to him.

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