Day 12

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"Elena, baby, are you awake?" Elena woke up to Damon standing on her side of the bed, gently rubbing her shoulder. They had stayed up late the night before, having begun watching the Christmas movies she had planned, but ended up doing everything but watching the movies by the time the opening credits had started.

"What's the matter?" Elena asked groggily , sitting up in the bed. Light was coming in through the small gaps in the curtains, hinting that she may have actually slept in until noon..

"Nothing," Damon smiled brightly at her, "Merry Christmas,"

He put down a tray with breakfast on the bed. He had made her pancakes, brought up syrup, there was toast with butter, cinnamon and sugar on it, scrambled eggs and bacon. On her bedside table stood a steaming cup of coffee. She also noticed the time, which was actually 11:30; not far off from her estimation.

"Aww, Damon, you shouldn't have!" she said, as she looked at her feast. Damon's smile grew and he kissed her on the cheek.

"I like doing things for you. Now, eat your breakfast and drink your coffee and after you're done, there's a package right here that you have to open - but only after you've eaten," he said, smirking at her. Elena frowned in confusion.

"Why can't I open it now?" she asked, as she bit into the delicious toast. She wasn't entirely sure how he knew that her parents used to make her toast like that. She didn't think she'd ever mentioned it.

"Because I say so," he leaned down and stole a bite of the toast still in her hand, "Come downstairs after." He then got up from her bed and left the room, making Elena wonder what on earth he was up to. But no matter what it was, she was enjoying this. She ate her food, savoring every bite of it. When she had a sip of the coffee, she realized he had put the flavored creamer in it that tasted like candy canes. He knew she loved it. After she was done, she immediately grabbed the package, really curious about what could be inside.

It turned out to be the cutest Christmas onesie, she had ever seen. She hadn't worn one since she was little, but it looked so comfortable that she immediately jumped up and put on underwear, then pulled the onesie on and hurried downstairs to see what else Damon was up to.


"That's sexy," Damon said, as she came jumping down the stairs, and Elena laughed, "Yeah, I'm sure! I look like a reindeer!" She pulled the hood of the onesie over her head to show off the antlers and he grinned, "A sexy, sexy reindeer. All the other reindeer will be jealous. They may not let you play in their reindeer games."

"Oh ha. Ha. ha." she mocked, before wrapping her arms around his neck and giving his lips a peck, "But honestly. I love it! Thank you."

"I love you too," Damon assured her, "And in the spirit of honesty, you actually look quite adorable." Her hair was in a messy bun on the top of her head, and her breath smelled like candy canes and maple syrup, which only added to the illusion. .

"Oh, hey! You're wearing another Christmas sweater," she pointed out, as she stepped back and got a good look at him. This one had Jesus on it with a birthday hat and a balloon in his hand. The caption read 'birthday boy'.

"It is Christmas morning, isn't it?" Damon said, wrapping his arms around her waist, "And this is what you wear for Christmas activities. Or so my trusty Christmas advisor has taught me!" Elena giggled, as she rested her head against his chest.

"It's perfect."

"I have your theme music playing in the living room. How about we make some hot cocoa with marshmallows, and you and I sit down by the tree and open presents?" Damon suggested. Elena smiled at him.

"Who are you and what have you done with my Grinch-boyfriend?"


Later, they had opened all of the gifts, from their friends and each other, their cocoa long since gone. Elena had put on the beautiful necklace Jeremy had gotten her immediately, and had carefully wrapped up a pair of earrings from Bonnie that had been handmade in India. . Damon had poured them both a glass of the expensive bourbon that had been Ric's gift, and Elena had no doubt the two men would polish off the bottle the next time Alaric came over.

"There is one more present for you," Damon said. Elena frowned and looked under the tree.

"I think you need your eyes checked. There's nothing else under here.".?"

"No, because I have it right here," he reasoned, and Elena straightened, "Where."

He chuckled at her enthusiasm, and said, "Hold out your hand."

When she did, he placed something small into her palm.

A tiny, silver wrapped box, with a pretty sparkling ribbon around it.

She knew from the shape that it was probably a jewelry box, but somehow she didn't think there were a pair of colorful earrings inside of this one.

Elena looked up at him.


His voice came out as rough as hers,"Just open it."

She carefully undid the bow on top, as though she was afraid it might break. The wrapping came off immediately after the ribbon had been removed and inside was, as she'd guessed, a velvet jewelry box.

"Oh, Damon," she breathed out, and opened the lid.

Tears welled in her eyes when she saw the ring gleaming up at her. It was a stunning sapphire base, surrounded by tiny white diamonds, on a silver band. And right then, it was the most beautiful thing Elena had ever seen in her life.

A hand touched her face, Damon's thumb wiping away a tear she hadn't realized was falling.

"Elena," he stared at her, his blue eyes full of emotion and shining just as brightly as the ring he had given her, "These past few years with you, have been the best of my entire life. Despite all that we have been through and everything we've lost...I'm happy. You make me happy."

There was no stopping the tears now.

"You are my light, Elena; my life. You have brought me from the brink more times than you will ever know and even before the cure, you made me human. . And now... This? Actually being human? It's better than I could have ever imagined, because of you. Our life together is perfect and I want to spend every moment of however many years we have, with you. "

Damon got up from his position on the floor, grabbing her hand as he got on one knee," I want to be your husband. The father of your kids. I want a hundred more Christmases like this one, and to show my love to you each and every day for the rest of our lives. So, Elena Gilbert, I am asking you: Will you marry me? "

Elena nodded, because her voice had completely escaped her.

"Yeah?" Damon's smile was growing.

"Yes," she forced out, and a laugh of happiness escaped her, "Yes, Damon, of course I will!"

She threw herself into his arms, and he held her, kissed her, made good on his promise of forever.

And as she buried her face in his neck, Damon took the box from her.

A moment later, he had slid the ring into place on her finger, and brought it to his lips.

This was the happiest moment of her life. Of their life, together. And it was only the beginning of the years to come.

"Merry Christmas," her fiance said and Elena couldn't help but kiss him again, "Merry Christmas, Damon."

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