the new storyline

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It is now Wednesday  and brie gets a phone call from  hunter  

Brie hey

Hunter  hi can you  and liv come to my office 

Brie yeah  let me just  wake her up and we will  be over  there  in a minute 

Hunter  ok i will  see you soon bye 

Brie bye

Brie hangs up the phone 

Brie goes into livs room 

Brie liv you have  to get up

Liv 5 more  minutes  mama

Brie starts to laugh

Brie ok

Brie leaves 

5 minutes later 

Liv walks into the living room  liv has on a brie mode t shirt  black pants  and  black shoes

Brie has on  a Riot Squad t-shirt on and blue jeans on and some  black shoes

Liv wow you  look  great  in that shirt

Brie thanks  you  look  great  in yours

Liv so why did you  wake me  because  what  ever  it is it better  wait intl we go to  Starbucks

Brie ok

They go to Starbucks 

Liv  hi i would  like  to order a  caramel frappuccino 

Brie and for me  black coffee 

Coffee  guy ok that will  be 12$

Liv ok

Brie and liv go find  a  table  to sit at

Liv so people are mean to me

Brie why?

Liv they that i am fat

Brie oh

Liv yeah

Brie  gionna  don't  listen to them they are just  going to  be mean and try to let you  down 

Liv thanks  Brianna

Brie blushes

Liv awww

Coffee  guy here are your coffees

Liv thank you my good man

Liv gives the coffee  guy a 100$ tip

Coffee guy  wow thanks 

Liv you are welcome 

The coffee guy leaves

Bire people  don't  like  me right now

Liv why?

Brie because  what  i did to  you on raw

Liv its ok at least  you checked on me

Brie yeah  but i just  want  people  to stop  texting me mean stuff

Liv wait they are texting you mean stuff?

Brie yeah  on Instagram

Liv ok hold on


Hey people  stop i am ok you can stop  being   toxic  waist  to my friend  @thebriebella 

Brie thanks  liv

Brie hugs liv

Liv you are welcome 

They get in the car  and liv turns on her Spotify playlist 

Brie  you have  my theme  in your  playlist?

Liv yep it is a good song 

Brie thanks 

Liv you are welcome 

Liv kisses  brie on the cheek 

Brie blushes 

Liv smiles 

They get to the headquarters 

Brie  Hunter  you  wanted  to see us

Hunter  yes

Liv ok what  is it 

Hunter  you 2 will  be in a love storyline  together

Liv WHAT??

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