Chapter 1

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A train approached Central Station Ed and Al stood up to get off. They got off the train and heard a familiar voice coming from behind. “Ed! Al! How are you?!” Exclaimed Armstrong.
“Hey Major. We are good how are you?” Replied Ed.
“Good, good The Colonial wants to see you right away its urgent. It has to do with Scar.”
“Of course that smug bastard wants to see us! We aren’t even in Central for two seconds.” Huffed Ed. “Wait Scar is back in the city?”
“Yes and it’s getting worse his body count is unbelievable. Hurry to Central Command immediately and be safe!”
“Yea, yea I’ll go see Mustang. You be safe too Major.” Ed and Al waved goodbye to Armstrong and headed for Central Command.
“I wonder what’s so important.” Said Al as they walked down the street.
“He probably has something stupid for us to do.” Sighed Ed as they approached Central Command. “Let’s see what he wants.”
They walked inside and went right to Mustang’s office. They walked into his office and were greeted by Riza.
“Hello boys, welcome back.” Said Riza.
“Hello Riza how are you?” Asked Al.
“I’m good for the most part Scar is running rampant through the city again leaving a mess behind as usual. We have had to up our security for all State Alchemists it’s getting pretty bad. But the Colonial will explain more to you why don’t you go in and see him. He has a special request of both of you.”
“See I told you Al he has some dumb mission for us. Let’s see what he wants.” Ed sighed and opened the Colonials door.
“Fullmetal! Welcome back.” Said Roy.     “Have you had any progress on your studies?”
“No not really. I thought we had a lead but the stone turned out to be a fake. I feel like I’m going in circles here no progress and its killing me.” Ed Sighed. “ Now enough small talk I have heard from Major Armstrong and Riza that you have a special mission for us?”
“Ah yes we have a new State Alchemist and I am putting her with you. I think she will be a major help with your mission.”
“Colonial we don’t want anyone else on our mission this is a private matter.”
“A private matter? You do realize that everyone you’re close to in the military knows of your mission. Why is she no different?”
“Wait do we actually know this girl?” Asked Al.
“Why I am glad it asked Alphonse! Why yes, yes you do. Does the name (F/N) (L/N) sound familiar.”
The brothers looked at each other in shock.
“(Y/N) JOINED THE MILITARY?!” The boys said in unison.
“Why would she do something so stupid!” Exclaimed Ed. “This is no matter to drag (Y/N) into!”
“Actually Fullmetal she scored just as high as you on her tests, she is a prodigy just like you are. She’s an incredible alchemist and I know without a doubt she will be able to hold her own in this mess. I know she saw the door like you did Edward she can transmute without a circle. She uses crystals to amplify her alchemy. I witnessed it myself when she did her test.”
“She used Crystal’s? Well (Y/N) certainly has done a lot of training while we were away. I’ve never heard of crystals being used to amplify alchemy.” Ed got lost in thought. “I wonder if this can be used with the Philosopher’s Stone. She could be onto something Al. Alright lets go talk to her!”
“I’m so excited to see (Y/N) it’s been almost a year!” Exclaimed Al. They started to walk out the door.
“WAIT!” Exclaimed Roy. The boys stopped. “We aren’t done here.” They turned around. “Since Scar is back in the city the Fuhrer has ordered all State Alchemists to stay in the dorms here. Strangely enough (Y/N) is your roommate.”
“You set this up on purpose!” Yelled Ed his cheeks turned red.
“Actually no, but this is something I would do.” He laughed. “The Fuhrer is the one who did the roommates. I’m going to assume he put you with her because you know each other. You’re in dorm C room 369.”
“Thanks for everything Mustang!” Ed turned to leave.
“Have fun with your girlfriend!” Snickered Roy.
“SHE’S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!” Huffed Ed he ran out the door his face was bright red. Al followed him out. “Stupid Mustang! (Y/N) isn’t my girlfriend I’ll wipe that smug look off his face!” He turned even redder with the thought of him and you.
“If you don’t like her like that why are you so red brother?” Asked Al.
“Oh just be quiet Al!” Ed stormed off towards the dorms.
You were in the room drying off from the shower. You had your back turned to the door as you took your towel off and dried yourself. Ed and Al burst through the door.
“(Y/N)! How ar-" Ed began he realized that you were in a towel, you yelped and clapped your hands together creating a giant hand that threw Ed and Al out the door.
“HAVEN’T YOU EVER HEARD OF KNOCKING!” You yelled at them as you fixed your towel.
Ed sat on the floor in shock. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” He said to you.
“Just wait outside I’ll let you know when you can come in.” You laughed at what just happened. You quickly got dressed and opened the door. Ed looked up at the girl with (E/C) eyes and (H/C) hair. You wore a (F/C) tube top with a black jacket that had the Alchemist Cross on the back and left shoulder. You wore fingerless white gloves and you could see the metal tips of automail poking out of the left glove. You had black pants and black boots.
You held out your hand to help Ed up. He grabbed your hand, you pulled Ed into a hug. “I’ve missed the two of you so much!” You let go of Ed, walked over to Al and hugged him as well.
“Why are you here (Y/N)?! Why would you join the military?!” Ed scolded you.
“I-I'm sorry, you inspired me Ed I wanted to do something good and be part of something. I’m good at Alchemy and I can fight plus I thought you might want an extra hand. Maybe also a close friend you can bitch to about things.” You looked at Ed smugly and laughed. “Come on you know you want me here!” You flashed him a goofy smile and poked him.
Ed rolled his eyes. “Yea, yea, yea. I’m happy to have you here.”
You hugged Ed tightly. “Good because ether way you don’t have a choice! You’re stuck with me.” You stuck out your tongue. “You hungry Ed? I just went to the market and got food to make for dinner. We can use the kitchen down the hall.”
“Since when can you cook?” Asked Al.
“Since the two of you left I’ve had a lot of free time on my hands. Pinako taught me to cook. Winry showed me how to work on Automail and I’ve been learning new Alchemy. I guess you can call me a Jack of All Trades. Maybe next I’ll learn to become a fire breather!” You burst out laughing and wiped away a tear. “Ohhhhh I’m just kidding!” You nudged Ed he looked at you and laughed. “Alrighty help me with the bags! To the kitchen we go!” You grabbed the bag of meat and walked out the door Ed and Al were right behind you.
You set the bag on the counter. “Okay Ed turn on two burners for the stove. Put one on 7 the other on 8 also set the oven to 350° and put it on bake.”
Ed looked at you like you had five heads. “Ummmm what?”
You looked at Ed and laughed. “How are you going to be a good husband if you don’t know how to cook? I-I mean to some lucky girl that is! Heh.” You blushed and turned away. You cleared your throat. “Ahem. Okay so the two dials all the way to the left turn one to 7 and one to 8. The dial all the way to the right turn it to 350 and the little dial above that put it on bake. You got that Ed?”
“I think so.” He looked at the stove and started to turn dials. “Is this right?”
You inspected his work. “Yes that is right! Okay Al look through the cupboards and find two pots good sized ones. Also find a pan for the pork roast. Oh and fill the pots with water please!”
“Okay (Y/N)!” Replied Al, he started to look through the cupboards and found everything you asked for. “I got everything ready and I guessed you wanted the pots on the stove so I did that too!”
“Thank you so much Al! That’s exactly what I wanted you to do!”
“You’re very welcome!”
“Okay Ed! Will you take the veggies and cut them up please? Here’s the cutting board and a knife. Be careful its very sharp.”
“Yea, yea, yea I got it.” He smiled at you and started cutting the vegetables.
You took the pork roast out and started to prepare it. You cut little slits in it and rubbed salt and pepper all over the roast. “Ed can you cut me some onions in little pieces and then cut the rest normal please?”
“You got it!” He started to cut the onion up. His hand slipped and he cut his finger. “Damn it that hurts! Owwww!”
“I told you to be careful!” You walked over to Ed, you clapped your hands together. A stone on a bracelet started to glow and purple light swirled around your hands. You placed your hands around Ed’s injured finger and healed the wound. You smiled and kissed the finger. “All better!”
“T-thanks.” Said Ed, he blushed slightly. “How did you do that?”
“I told you I’ve been studying new Alchemy. I found a very old book in my parents study. It was on Alkahestry it’s the form of Alchemy from Xing. They use it mostly for healing. Pretty cool huh?”
“Alkahestry huh? That does sound cool! You’re going to have to teach Al and I!”
“Y-yea definitely!” Your cheeks turned red and you nodded your head in excitement. You finished prepping the pork roast and went over to the stove to see if the water started to boil. “Perfect! Everything is ready to go in.” You added some spices to the water and chicken stock with some bones. Then went in the vegetables. You then finished the roast by putting onions in the bottom of the pan and some herbs. You placed the roast in the pan. “This is going to be sooooo gooooooood!” You squealed in excitement. “Last to go in are the potatoes. This is going to be a feast!”
“Yea there is a lot of food here. Why is much?” Asked Al.
“Well I figured it would be nice to bring food to Roy, Riza and the guys. They seem really kind and I wanted to do something special for them.” You replied.
“That’s so nice of you (Y/N)! You’ve always been the first to share with other people. Heck you’d give the shirt off of your back if someone asked.” Said Al.
You smiled brightly and blushed at the sweet compliment.
“Yea but mess with her or anyone she cares about and she will kick your ass into next week.” Replied Ed smugly.
You looked at him and winked. “Sweet as honey, sharp as nails! Don’t mess with me!” You did a goofy pose and made the brothers laugh.
“And don’t forget a total goofball!” Replied Ed.
You nod your head in agreement. “Life has literally beat all of us down. We hit rock bottom and came back up from it…..” The air got thick for a moment as the three of you remembered the days. The first one was the day Ed and Al tried to bring back their mother. The second was the day you stupidly followed in the brother’s footsteps and tried to bring back your sister.
You looked at the brothers and smiled. “The past will always haunt us but it’s there to remind us. We are here for a greater purpose we are going to change this world!”


Hiya guys! I really hope you like this fanfic! I've been reading a lot of character x reader fanfics and since I just started this one for my FMA character I could easily edit it to make it a Ed x Reader fic!

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