It's All Over

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Roanoke Ridge USA 1899

As we were heading back on into camp we were stopped by Tilly who had Jack with her on her horse. She rode up to us and looked frantic and worried.

Tilly: They came and took Abigail. I saved Jack we hid but they took Abigail.

Arthur: Who did?

Tilly: Agent Milton and his men took her to Van Horn to be put on a boat and tried for murder.

Dutch: I am sorry to hear that.

Micah: We gotta let her go. John's a..well sorry Jack. Without John she's just bait got a bunch of money Dutch she's just a girl. They won't do nothing to her but me and the boys know we gotta keep riding on this one Dutch. You know it.

Ethan: So we're just gonna let the boy be made an orphan?

Dutch: It ain't like that!

Arthur: What is it like?!

Micah: I wanna live cowpoke. I still got the choice. Dutch it's just a girl.

Dutch: You're right.

Arthur: Dutch.

Arthur then got off his horse and went over to Dutch to try and talk some sense into him.

Dutch: It pains me to say it Arthur but he is right.

Arthur: Dutch!

Dutch: Come on boys. Heya!

Dutch and everyone else besides Me, Arthur, Sadie, and Tilly rode off. Those bastards. I'm getting Abigail back there's no way in hell I'm letting that boy become an orphan.

Arthur:*Coughs* Well I guess that's that then..

Ethan: Come on Arthur. Let's go get her. You and me is all we need.

Arthur nodded and walked over to his horse and grabbed the money sack off of it and put it on the back of Tilly's horse. He then took out all his money from his satchel and handed her the money.

Arthur: Miss Tilly you take this money. Take Jack and you wait at Copperhead Landing for Abigail and Ethan. Mrs Adler will escort you guys to make sure there's no trouble.

Tilly: Thank you Arthur.

Arthur: You're a good girl you live a good life now you hear?

Tilly: Alright Arthur. I'll miss...

Arthur: Me too sweetheart. Me too. Jack come here. Be brave son I'm gonna go get your momma.

Arthur then hopped on his horse and I kissed Sadie goodbye as she rode off with Tilly.

Arthur: Ethan, ride with me! Heya!

Ethan: Heya!

We then raced for Van Horn as fast as we could. We were gonna get Abigail back to Jack no matter what.

Arthur: Those goddamn bastards.

Ethan: Look just follow me okay? We're gonna get this done brother.

Arthur: Now he don't care if he orphans his friends child so long as he gets rich?!

Ethan: All his talk all them goddamn years. Seems it was always a lie.

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