One More Time

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: This fanfiction is much darker than the others, but what with everything going on, I just needed the angst. And Rolling Girl is one of my favorite Vocaloid songs, so yeah.


Angelica looked around as she stood on the top of a building. She had always wondered how people would react if they found out she had commited suicide. But she could never bring herself to do it, despite how lonely and traumatized she was. She sighed, looking down as she descended the stairs of the building, walking out onto the streets of Italy. Her mind wandered back to her childhood, though her memories were all blurry. She remembered a young, pink-haired boy...A boy named Diavolo...She cried as she remembered that boy. He had been the only person she could call a friend. But he was gone. She would never hear his voice, or feel the young boy's warmth again. Her thoughts were interrupted by the faint buzzing of her phone. She picked it up and looked at it, but...It was only an alarm. She sighed softly before walking around.

"One more time...Please...Just...Let me roll for another day..." Was what Angelica whispered to herself. It had become what she had always repeated to herself. But...Rolling was just her way of telling herself that she needed to stay alive despite her trauma, even though she didn't have any form of happiness or comfort.

The young, black-haired girl was suddenly pulled out of her dark thoughts as a young boy bumped into her. She looked at the boy, and was a little startled. That pink hair...That expression...But no, it wasn't Diavolo. This boy looked far too young to be her friend. "I'm sorry, miss!" The boy apologized.

"N-no, it's my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going..." Angelica was shy and nervous. She had always been very shy and scared around unfamiliar people, out of fear that they would abuse her.

"Are you okay, miss?" The young boy's voice cut off her thoughts yet again.

"I'm fine...Anyways, I'm A...A-Angelica..."

"I'm Doppio!" The boy, apparently named Doppio, now had a bright smile on his face.

Angelica nodded slightly "Are you...Part of Passione?"

"Yes! I am. Well, I'm the underboss. I'm the only person the boss trusts."

"I...I see. I'm also part of Passione, but...I'm simply a new recruit" Angelica said, looking at Doppio once more. For a moment, she could have sworn that his eyes had turned a familiar shade of emerald green. But she assumed that it was just her mind playing tricks on her. After all, this boy didn't really look like her friend. But it seemed like Doppio had a very kind heart, as he occasionally saw her as her PTSD acted up, but she always pushed him away, insisting that she was fine. But...One day, she very much wasn't fine.

In fact, Angelica was in her small, worn-down apartment, her hands reaching up towards her neck and grasping it, trying to cut off her breath. She just couldn't handle it anymore, so she was attempting suicide. She hadn't even heard the door bursting open until she felt a familiar feeling...The tight yet gentle grip of a man's arms wrapping around her, as if pulling her in for a tight hug. Angelica felt tears well up in her eyes. No...It couldn't be who she thought it was...

"Mio Angelo..." The man's voice was smooth and gentle, and it only confirmed who this man was

"D...Diavolo..." Angelica couldn't believe it. She released her grip on her neck, allowing herself to breathe.

"My Angel...What were you doing...?" Diavolo's voice was full of concern and...Fear. An emotion Diavolo hadn't felt for years.

"I...The pain...It was too much to handle..."

"Angelica..." Diavolo was about to scold her like an adult would do to their child, but he instead trailed off, deciding that what she needed was love, warmth, and comfort "Angelica...I'm here now...You don't need to fear anymore...I'll protect you from everything that may harm you...I promise you, my angel...I'm here to save you from your pain."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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