Harold and Kumar do Australia

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It was one of the coldest days of a mildly cold summer in New Jersey. Instead of wearing nothing but shorts (which was typical July attire for Harold and Kumar) they were fully clothed and stuck inside. "Well." Harold said "I guess it's good timing for our air conditioner to be broken" Kumar was spacing out at the tv. "Why are you so interested in animal planet?" Harold asked "Are you so baked you think Kangaroos are hot?" Kumar jumped up in a flourish. "Dude. I WISH I was high enough to think a Kangaroo was hot. We have NO weed. At all." Harold sat down next to Kumar. "Thats not happening any time soon, Kumar. Not since our dealer got busted."They both stared at the TV. "The Red Kangaroo is the largest of the marsupials." Harold stared at his empty bong and back at the TV. "Forests in Australia are being torn down to make way for the newly legalized weed farms." Harold quivered knowing what would happen next "Don't do it, don't do it." Harold said to himself. Then, Kumar jumped up once again "Fuck." said Harold. "I have an idea!" Kumar exclaimed. "We should go to Australia." Harold rolled his eyes "Think about it dude. Its been freezing here recently, we've never been to Australia and... Weed is LEGAL!" Harold got up slowly "Dude, you are crazy. I have to work, I can't afford to go to Australia." Kumar looked at Harold for a second. "Too late." Then Kumar ran as fast as he could to Harold's room and locked the door behind, Harold chased after "Kumar! You stay off my computer!" Harold yelled while banging on the door trying to unlock it. Harold then ran to the kitchen where he grabbed to key to his room and ran back. Then just before he unlocked it, Kumar opened the door and smiled at Harold. "What did you do Kumar?!?!" Harold said tensely. Kumar's smile got big and then he said "Pack your bags Harold, WERE GOING TO AUSTRALIA!" Harold sighed. Kumar then ran to his room to begin packing and closed the door behind him. He then opened the door as Harold walked by and said to him "Oh yeah, thanks for paying for the tickets by the way" and then slammed the door again. Harold stared at the door for a solid 5 seconds and then he let out the biggest scream "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! KUMAR I"LL KILL YOU!!" 

2 weeks later

"Hey Roldy!" Kumar yelled joyfully "Get your shit our plane leaves in 3 hours" Harold walked out of his room carrying 4 suitcases. "Jesus Christ, Roldy. We're gone for 5 days." Kumar said. Harold carried his suitcases to the front door and said "Well a certain someone planned a trip to Australia with 0 notice so now I have to bring all of my work equipment to another continent."  Kumar giggled and grabbed his suitcase and headed for the airport. While on the way Kumar was sitting in the passenger seat viewing their plane tickets. Kumar's eyes widened "Ohhhhh shit." Harold started to fluster "What is it?" Kumar handed Harold the ticket "The flight leaves at 1:30 not 4:30!" Kumar said. Harold started to freak out "Its 1:10 and it takes 25 minutes to get there!" Kumar gave Harold a smirk "Then step on it." Then Harold stepped on it. The sped down the highway at 80 miles per hour. "Holy shit Harold, you're 30 over the speed limit" Kumar said laughing. Harold then made a very serious face "I did not unwillingly pay for $800 plane tickets to Australia to have them wasted." Kumar looked at him shocked and then smiled "Alright dude lets go!" they then sped their way to airport only to have cops start to chase them "SHIT,SHIT,SHIT!" Harold yelled "Pull over dude." Kumar said "NO. We are making that flight." Harold yelled. Harold stepped on the gas even harder. They made it to the airport at 1:35 with the cops not too far behind "Hurry dude, their probably still boarding." Kumar yelled. Harold then grabbed his 4 suitcases and ran with Kumar to the boarding place. They stormed up to the empty boarding place and asked the receptionist "Are they still letting people on?" The receptionist smiled and said "You're just in time." and gestured for them to get on board. They began to roll their stuff down the plane hall and then they heard "Police! STOP RIGHT THERE!" Harold and Kumar then ran down the hall as fast as they could and made it to the plane. Then the flight attendent closed the door behind them and the police could no longer reach them. Harold and Kumar looked at each other and laughed in relief. "WE'RE GOING TO AUSTRALIA!" they yelled simultaniously.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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