[ 05 ]

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"That's Stan the Man, Bill, Eddie, & uh Ben." Richie's finger directed itself to each boy. They waved to her lightly, Stan awkwardly doing so. Martha didn't smile at them, just shyly put her hand up. She turned to the fiery red headed girl next to Richie, who stood up & hugged the smaller one gently, partially to feel how boney she was from skipping out on meals. Bev felt the Tozier's spine through the jacket & Hawaiian shirt before pulling away.

"Hey, isn't that 1 of Richie's?" Bev asked jokingly. Martha sighed & rolled her eyes, gently cracking a smile. Jokingly, she grabbed the seams of her jacket & spun around, ending in a dramatic pose. 

"Found it on my floor, looks better on me anyways," she responded, using a Vogue-model voice & flipping her hair behind her shoulder. Richie's cackle appeared louder then the groups'.

"You & I both know that everybody & their mom wanted to get a taste of Richie-licous when I wore that," Richie playfully hovered his hands up and down his body as if he was showcasing himself. Beverly snorted at this, at the twins' similarity.

"Yeah, you bet. I could hear you moans from across the hallway." Martha out her hand on her hip. She thrusted her hands into her hips, bringing an ugly image into the groups head, "Oh, Mommy. Yes Mommy, please. sweet dildo up my as-"

"Too far," Bev's soft voice interrupted Martha's high pitched screeches. With a smile on her face, the red haired girl sat back down. Richie sat down next to her & saw Martha take a step back in embarrassment. He tugged on her sleeve, an invitation to sit with him.

"Come here, I've got the yummiest shit ever." The Tozier boy motioned to the assortment of food in front of him. Reluctantly, Martha's face lit up as she sat down, waiting patiently by folding her hands in her lap. Richie observed the menu, mumbling that he wanted only the best for her under his breath. She licked her small lips at the sight of the food.

"There you go," the boy said, giving his sister an arrangement of food. Her mouth watered and she had to close it or she would be drooling. The Tozier girl snatched a portion of a toasted sandwich filled with golden cheese, taking the melted substance into her mouth gratefully. She hummed in response to it, closing her eyes behind her cracked glasses and lost alol tension in her shoulders.

"A fucking angel made this." Martha groaned happily. Eddie's eyes lit up at the comment, her genuine happiness made him comfortable for no reason. Maybe she wasn't the shit-show everyone claimed she & her brother were.

Wait- no. Richie Tozier was an absolute shit-show. He should go to hell for making Eddie feel the way he felt just by smiling. The freckled boy mixed his feelings. Eddie wanted more of whatever the feeling was but he knew he couldn't & he blamed Richie for it. Of course, it wasn't Richie's fault for being so annoyingly attractive (though Eddie would rather lick a toilet seat -the girls' seat because the boys are disgusting- than tell anybody that, and hat was saying a lot). His shitty charm just pissed Eddie off so much, he could kill him for-

"Well, the glorious fucking angel is my dearest Eds." Richie graciously motioned towards Eddie, like he was some form of royalty. The smaller boys blood boiled and his face fumed, now Richie had a fucking nickname for him? He bit his lip to hold back any words he would regret later.

"Shut up, Trashmouth!" Yes, that was Eddie's best come back. What better insult could he give Richie? Besides his trash voice, he was perfect. But Eddie enjoyed Richie's voice and could listen to it for hours- no. No, he couldn't. He would never do that, he hated Richie's voice. Hated. He hated his smooth & effortless words & most definitely hated the nickname the Tozier just gave him.

Eddie smirked when dramatazised gasps surrounded his ears, knowing his friends were only joking but wanted to play along due to whatever surge of confidence he just gained. The Kaspbrak looked straight to Richie & immediately regretted it when he found his crinkled eyes. Richie was laughing along with whatever the joke was, his crooked smile only becoming more lopsided as it grew. Behind those damned coke bottle glasses, his eyes were so squinted they looked almost closed. & that stupid voice, that dirty voice that Eddie hated so much let out a smooth chuckle. Eddie felt the temperature on his face grow & his eyes widened at the sight, what the fuck Edward?

"Cute," was all Richie commented & Eddie swore he would explode if something didn't happen fast. Whatever Richie did to him, whatever he was doing it him, it was fucking scary. He was disgusting for just admiring Richie's laugh & now he was blushing from whatever the Tozier would say. He couldn't do what he wanted, his mom would kill him. He shouldn't be up there with the boy, looking at him & even talking to him let alone do the things he wanted to do. He couldn't get to know him better because he would get sucked into a whirlpool of Richie Tozier & drown in it. Eddie honestly didn't care, but a particular monster was waiting with her scrappy slippers & insults that would stab him to death. Imagining her made Eddie's blood run cold, he could feel the hands on his face that would halt his breathing just so he would take a pill that did nothing good to him. She screamed insults at him in his mind, grabbing for anything he ever did wrong just to throw it in his face.

"Hey, wait! Wheeler & Bowers' fight is supposed to be right now." Richie's damned voice cut off any harsh thoughts that bad formed themselves in Eddie's mind. The Tozier scrambled to his feet quickly, pulling Bev up with him. They both looked at each other with a strong smile before shooting towards one of the edges of the rooftop. Eddie could tell the 2 found the fight when their eyes widened & Richie whistled at the ground. 

"Wheeler! Put in some fucking action, swing those punches!" the Tozier hollered with a smirk. He turned to Eddie, lazily moving his body to the side almost as if he was trying to observe the smaller brunet easier. Eddie just smiled, not knowing what to do or say to the boy.

Richie Tozier sent him a quick wink & the flutter in Eddie's heart proved he was in deep shit.

A/N- hey i'm not dead. what's up? it's been awhile and i apologize but here's the next chapter, i might end the book like this unless i have more ideas to move the plot along. anyways thanks for waiting!


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