•London Rain•

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The two had ran up the stairs of the building reading door 215, they ran inside and looked around before running up the house stairs and into a their bedrooms. They went in and changed their dirty clothes. Once finished they stepped out, the smaller girl brushing her dress skirt, hair tied  back with the rest flowing down her back.

"Wow you look lovely!" the boy said looking at her, causing the smaller to look up. She gave a bright smile and small giggle, giving a small twirl to show off the dress a bit.

"You do look handsome yourself!" she had added before grabbing his hand and running down the steps. "Too bad we can't stay here longer, we promised the others that we wouldn't take long" she turned back forward with a smile and stepped outside. Getting face to face with the other kids.

"Hurry up! Let's go!" The boy in dark blue said grabbing his friends hands then rushing forward.

"Jay slow down! It's not like we're gonna be late!" The boy in black said pulling his arm back.

"Yeah, were just going to the park! That place is always open" the girl in baby blue jumped up on one of the lap posts and spun around it.

"Oh shush Lin, you just mean we can break in" the boy in dark blue responded standing in front of the female.

The male in black put an arm around the other boy and look toward their sister, "you never object though, you always lead the way!"

The boy In blue rolled his eyes before they widened, "Lin, look out!" He then  pulled his sister off the poll and the three jumped to the side just as a car crashed into the light post. The three looked back in horror, the person inside began to move.

"We have to help her!" The girl spoke standing up, her brothers right behind her, just as they moved to the crash the person behind the wheel made a weird sound and spoke softly almost like a whisper.

"Help... me..."

The two youngest sent the oldest ahead and he layed his hand softly on the women's head, causing her to slip away peacefully. He then walked back to his siblings as they silently walked off.

"Come on, let's move!" They all heard a loud voice speak, then a second man stood in front of them, holding the girls hand as the other held the boys.

Suddenly the man standing in front of them spoke up spooking the three,  "You kids alright?" He spoke after they had gotten into a safe building, the three nodded and didn't say a word looking at the two soldiers.

"Whats going on?" The girl spoke softly to the older of the three.

"I don't know! It's like their off one of those American shows!" The older had spoken up, holding the other two close.

"I'm Chris, this is my partner Max," the partner waved checking if the three were alright, "you three are?"

"I'm Jack, this is Lin and Jay. We're triplets," the oldest of the three spoke and pointed towards his siblings.

"Wait you don't mean?"

"The three deaths.."

"Yeah, that's us.." the older of the three spoke up, before looking out the window.

"Isn't there more of you?" The three shook their head before the two soldiers put the pieces together "Let's just get you to safety"

"There's an island, that the scientists made for us... we can go there?.." the middle of the three spoke. The two adults with a silent stare agreed.

"It's not your fault, it's his and now he's gone let's just get to safety.." the youngest, the girl spoke silently as the three wakes ahead of the two adults.

"I know who they are I just don't understand.. what makes them the three deaths sir?" The younger soldier spoke up silently as he looked towards the kids.

"The oldest, Jake he has the ability to cause natural death. He can make the body shut down and depending what he wants to happen he can make someone pass from something small like natural age or something as big as cancer"

"And that one sir?"

"Jay, he can cause death due to natural disasters. He won't cause the disaster necessarily unless he wants to, he can just make the body look as if it went through it.."

"And the girl?.."

"She's the most dangerous..."

"How so?"

"She has the ability to cause death by plagues...whats most dangerous of it all is her ability to make any plague stay dormant.. by that I mean it never spreads unless she wants it to.."

"Oh I see.." he look towards the three and saw how happy they were near one another, he then look toward his partner, "let's just get them to this island shall we?"

And then the rain slowly trickled in, even in the slight heat the rain was cold. Cold and sad.

(If y'all want an actual story I'm up for actually writing it, just say when)

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