Chapter 2 Vackonslay Vilenacht

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I probably would have stayed asleep for longer after my alarm went off at 7 am, but the memory of last night and Anthony's promise to visit me wakes me up and I check my ring finger and the Celestial ring is still there. I smile at the memory that goes with it and I grab a fresh set of clothes and walk into my bathroom to clean up after last night. I see my red hair that goes past the bottom of my shoulder blades, tangled and curled up on one side of my head from where I'd slept on it, and I know that I'll have to go into the shower before I can even brush it. My bright turquoise eyes are full of life when I step out of the shower and I pull on my clothes: a light blue skirt and a white long-sleeved blouse and black flats, and I put on a small amount of make-up before taking my clothes from yesterday downstairs into the laundry room. I then go into the kitchen and make myself a light breakfast as I'm too giddy to eat much and wash my bowl before I sit in the living room waiting.

I feel someone's emotions come up to the house and soon after the doorbell rings, I rush to the door, but pause before opening it so that I can read the emotions first in case my Stepfather has come to abuse me and force me to marry Harry, my now ex-boyfriend. The emotions are friendly and full of love and I can feel them swirling around their heart and I know immediately that it is Anthony. I throw the door open, a smile beaming on my face when I see him in front of me smiling at me with love in his eyes. He puts his arms around my waist, and I put mine around his neck as he gently kisses me. His lips warm on mine. He lets go of my waist and takes my right hand in his left and I lock the front door behind me, and he leads me to his black Vovorine, opens the passenger door and shuts it after I get in. He's soon after me with his seatbelt on seconds after mine is plugged in, and he drives off not knowing where we're going, but just happy to be together.


We've been travelling for about half an hour now and Anthony still won't tell me where we're going; all he'll say when I ask is "It's a surprise", smiles at me and turns his attention back to the road. So far all I know is that he's taken us out of Ildoray and is travelling across The Wake, the road that allows us to travel between the different Nations and not be attacked, and, so far, we're the only vehicle on the road. Very few people like travelling between the Nations and many just prefer to stay in their own Nation unless they need to go to a meeting which is usually only for the High Ranks. Anthony is one of those. He doesn't make or sell weapons any more but creates pure energy that cleans out pollution and he's been encouraging the use of it in his own Nation, so that they might receive sunlight more than once every 500 years. His Annoctayne (or Hellowayne) is what creates the pure energy, though he uses a much larger one inside his company that sends it out into the atmosphere. No one knows that he actually has the first one he ever created in his chest directly above his heart to keep him alive. The miniature version can be used for weapons whereas the larger one cannot, and though many of the Aldorassen have tried to replicate it, none of them have succeeded and Anthony refuses to tell anyone the secret of the Annoctayne.

I try to think of something to say to break the silence, but nothing comes to my mind. I think about last night, about some of the things that happened and I realise that Anthony never told me how he found me.

I followed Harry's thoughts.

I jump in shock when he speaks in my mind and I see him glance at me apologetically.

Sorry, I thought I'd spoken out loud.

Why were you following his thoughts?

I was keeping track of him as I know of the things he's done with other women. I wanted to make sure you were alright.

I don't know what to say. My thoughts are all muddled up at the moment that I can't think straight. I try to respond but I just don't know what to say. I'm definitely not mad at him. I'm glad he'd been listening because he was able to save me from Harry. I'd been able to read his emotions and know that he wasn't going to do something good to me, but Anthony could read his thoughts, so he'd have known exactly what he was thinking. I feel his emotions boil with anger and I remember that he can read my thoughts and I quickly place my hand on his arm and his emotions slowly relax. Are you going to tell me where we're going? I'm starting to get a bit impatient. He chuckles at that and I wait for him to respond.

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