Starting Line

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It is midnight instead of 3 AM lol still no regrets. Thank you for reading!!! <3

As a note: this universe is very similar to ours with a few minor differences. For example, instead of AP classes, they have FO classes(Future Opportunities) and they also have gummy snails instead of gummy worms. Alice and her friends live in a state called Cumberland which is Eastern Ohio, Northern West Virginia and some of Pennsylvania.


I walk into Flip Flop's Burger and Brew and join Jessie and Nate. Nate radiates nervousness while Jessie seems confused. 

"Hey, Alice. How was your test?" he asks.

"I'm a shifter! Uh, how was yours?"

Nate looks away, "They were... inconclusive. But, that happens all the time, right? I mean some blood types are just-"

Jessie puts a hand on his arm as Nate lets out a shaky breath.

"I'm sure the machine just messed up," his gaze meets mine, "It's probably fine! Let's order."

Jess lets out a whoop, "Finally!"

My phone buzzes:

Messages: Red

Hey Lish! I need to procrastinate on my first homework assignment. How was the test for you?

Wow. I almost forgot he existed. Immediately, my brain races to the early morning competitions after late nights of adding the final touches to our painstakingly crafted 'bots. He taught me everything I know about building robots and became one of my closet friends. My phone buzzed again.

Messages: Red

Also, you should visit me at Cumberland State sometime because I'm going to visit you at your competitions! College is hard lol... miss ya!

I begin to text back.

To: Red

Hey! It's been a while! Y-

"Who ya texting?" Jess interrupts me.

I slam my phone down, "No one!"

Jessie squints at me for a moment before changing the topic. "Anyways, what period do you have shifting class?"

"I think it's third period, when do you have it?"

"Wait, me too! Tell me why this is the only class I'm excited for," she laughs.

"Probably because it's not math and doesn't need you to die of stress"

"Wow, guys! I'm so excited to learn how to shif-" Nate jokes. 

Our food soon arrives and we anxiously leave to prepare for the first day.

Periods one and two passed uneventfully with two syllabuses to review and read. At 9:25, the bell finally rings to begin Shifting 101 with Mr. Peritusi. Jess and I sit next to each other and discuss the color we would shift our nails to if we learned how. (Mine was teal.) 

Mr. Peritusi walked up to the front of the room. "Good morning. I am going to be your teacher for Shifting 101 this year." Jessie had already tuned out. "Today is going to be the starting line for the rest of your life. From today onwards, you will have at least a general idea of how to shift. You don't have to be doctors and save lives, but I find it very important that every one of you at least knows how to hone your abilities. That's why I'm teaching you how to change your hair color today." The entire class perks up, most of all Jess.

"You can't say today was a waste of time. Now for shifting, it is much easier for beginners to focus on a nonspecific area. It is also worth noting that changing your hair color is easier than changing your hair type or length. This could seem extremely challenging or near impossible for some of you, but by the end of the year, this will take less energy. Now think of the color you want your hair to be and visualize it in your mind."

"Blue," Jess whispers.

"Now, focus on forcing every cell in your hair to turn that color. If you get tired, push through, shifting is a very tiring task that requires endurance to succeed."

Doing exactly that, energy drains from me as a shiver runs out of my scalp and down my hair to its ends. It was as if my hair had a glowing sensation that could only be felt, never seen. 

I open my eyes to see Jessie gawking at me, "Alice, that's SUCH a good look on you!"

Admiring myself in my phone camera, my long, thick hair is a rich violet, the exact shade I imagined. It is not bright nor dark, but it resembles the infinite background of the constellations. Although I'm fairly certain my hair didn't physically glow, it gives me a new confidence that makes me feel as if I were glowing.

I look to Jess, "Your turn!"

"I'm okay. You're probably better than me!"

"Jess, you're never going to learn if you don't try! Please?"

She sighs and closes her eyes for a moment. She reopens them, "Can you please turn around? This is too much pressure!"

I laugh as I turn around to wait. 

Forty-six seconds later, Jess hugs me from behind, "I did it!"

Her hair has a navy aqua color that resembles the deep ocean. We each snap a picture together to post before the period ends and I travel to my Future Opportunities Computer Science class.

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