chapter 21

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Siddharths pov:

"Why are you all staring at me like that?"I asked them with confusion,

"one time, you told us to get your starbucks drink, which was very complicated, but we got it, and when we gave it to him, he shouted at us, cursed at us and didnt talk to us for like 2 days, just cause we forgot one thing to put in it, ice, we forgot to tell the lady to put ice in it!!!!" sameer said very dramatically and I rolled my eyes,

Then he continued "and she forgot to take her gun with her and all she said was sorry, and what you said, 'its okay just make sure you take it with you, everywhere you go from now on', really?" Kartik said while mimicking the last part,

"firstly, she is a girl and I dont shout at girls, secondly she is girl and I dont curse infront of girls and thirdly, you guys are stupid, I mean, who forgets to tell the lady to put ice in a drink?" I said rolling my eyes at the last part,

"and lastly, im in a good mood today, and plus Im very serious about my starbucks drink" I said the first part smiling and the last part seriously, avneet chuckled at that,

'her laugh is really cute' I know, the first time I didnt deny to the facts, her laugh is really cute.

Avneets pov:

Can he get more perfect, ughhhhhh, im just dead, I was smiling like an idiot and when he didn't even shout at me, and when he said that he doesn't shout at girls or curse infront of girls, melted my heart so badddddd, ok ok chill, relax, take a deeeeeeeep breath, so ya, we just talked and I annoyed the crap out of him, and after like 2 hours I went home cause the visiting hours were over, I got home ate dinner, blah blah blah you know the rest and finally I fell asleep.

              TWO WEEKS LATER
              (YES YOU CAN KILL ME)


Ok so here are some things that you need to know, avneets mom came back from her trip, remember she had to go because of her work, so ya she came back and Siddharth is healed, I mean he can walk but he cannot run yet so ya and also he still has some cuts on his face which actually looks so damn badass, so ya these are the things you needed to know.

             (someone pls kill me)

Avneets pov:

Im excited, im excited, im sooooo excited, like I couldn't sleep the whole night, shocker? Whatever, I got up, took a shower, and dressed my self.

I decided to wear my favorite leather jacket and I decided to zip it up and I just wore a white tank top inside it, I wore my black ripped jeans and this time I didnt forget, I attached the gun holder thingy to my jeans and put the gun in It and it was clearly showing but everyone has gotten used to it.

I wore my favorite necklaces, and my watch, and also I decided to open up my hair, cause why not?, I wore my Gucci shoes, wore my favorite sunglasses, had my suitcase, my backpack, and had some cash, my credit card, and obvio my passport and some other necessities. picked up my car keys, said goodbye to my parents and it got pretty emotional but baba handled it and now im ready to go.

       Avneets look (imagine shes wearing a few cute necklaces and a really cool watch)

       Avneets look (imagine shes wearing a few cute necklaces and a really cool watch)

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I drove to college but not before stopping at Starbucks, hehe. I reached the college, parked my car, got out and went to my group,

"damn girl, you are looking amazing" reem said dramatically and I rolled my eyes and chuckled,

"I look good everyday, you just noticed today" I said, flipping my hair and everyone laughed,

"when are we leaving" I asked reem,

"after like half an hour, we will go to the airport by the college van, and then from the airport to fraaaaaance" reem shouted the last word and everyone looked at us in the hallway like were some run offs from mental hospital,

"you want a loud speaker?" I said while hiding my face,

"heheheheh" reem laughed sheepishly, and the group rolled their eyes,

and suddenly the whole hallway went quite, aashu was entering the hallway with abhishek and everyone looked so scared like they will eat them, and some girls were drooling over them.

when I looked closely, HE COPIED ME, he was also wearing a leather jacket and full black, ughhhhhhhhhhh,damn he looks hot I know I know he does but right now that doesn't matter, he copied meeeee, he came towards me,

(SIDDHARTHS LOOK, and just imagine he has some cuts on his face)

(SIDDHARTHS LOOK, and just imagine he has some cuts on his face)

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"I see you copied me huh" he said while smirking at me,

"huh look whos talking" I said while rolling my eyes at him, and he chuckled,

"I look better though" he said while smirking,

"in your dreams" I said while smirking back at him ,

"that was a nightmare" he said while pouting, and folded his arms on his chest

ok thats so cute dont distract me right now,

"dont make me wanna go there aaaaash-" he cut me off,

"ok ok fine you win, im gonna get you back though" he said the last line smirking at me then he went from there,

I turned to the group and they all were smirking at me,

"um what happened" I asked getting confused,

"hmmm lets see, both twinning, both are badasses, both are dangerous, rich, both carry guns, he is rude to everyone except you, he gave you a gun to protect you, I ship" reem said while smirking and everyone agreed and my eyes widen,

"whatttt, a few days back you guys were telling me to stay away from him, a-a-and that he's dangerous, what happened to that" I stammered a little bit cause I was so shocked,

"well I changed my mind, comon who wouldn't, he got into an accident because of you and didnt even blame you, he is coming to this trip just cause of you" reem said smirking, ugh I hate her,

"he is coming because of my father" I said, trying to defend myself,

"he met your dad?" Vaishu asked and the whole groups eyes widen,

"was he like the whole, stay away from my daughter thingy?" riyaz asked getting excited,

"ugh long story, let's do that another time" I said and dragged them to the ground,

We sat on the bench, then Siddharth came to our bench and since there wasn't enough space on the bench he sat on the ground near my feet and said......................

I hope you guys like this chapter and if you did then pls pls pls vote and comment, bubayeeee:-)

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