News Report Gone Wrong and a Turf War

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Disclaimer: I do not own Hazbin Hotel or any of its characters. All the lovely goodness of the show belongs to VivziePop. I know Alastor is asexual in it so as far as that will go there will only be gentleman like kisses. Katie is an oc I came up with as soon as I watched the show. I hope you enjoy and love the loveable Radio Demon as much as I. 

Hi, I'm Katie Katrina. Best friend to the Princes of Hell and her girlfriend. And also one of the most powerful overlords. A pretty shitty intro, I know. I'm still upset about our cleansing and I'm starting to think  about how to help Charlie with our next cleansing, which will be in 365 days. Yep, next year. This year we lost so many demons due to the extermination. It is kinda upsetting, but what can you do? So, this year I will be helping Charlie rehabilitate demons so we don't lose any more than needed. Even though I don't believe in rehabilitation, I had a slight idea how to help Charlie.  

3rd POV

There was a blue demon who fell down from the sky then looked at himself. "I'm alive? I'm alive!" He said happily before immediately getting hit by a car. A certain spider demon named, Angel Dust, stepped out and fixed his hair. "Thanks for the funtime, hot stuff." The demon said as Angel shut the door. "Yeah, yeah. Listen, keep this discrete you hear me? I can't let it get out I'm offering my service to randos on the street. It was a quick cash grab, you got it?" He asked with a smile and gave him finger guns with all four arms. 

"Whatever you say, slut." The rando said then started laughing. "Ouch, ooh. Such an insult. Let me know when you come up with something creative to call me, ya sack of poorly packaged horseshit. Tell the missus. I said 'hi'. Shnookums." Angel said and kissed him before moving with a smile as the rando drove off, mumbling to himself. Angel looked over to see a vending machine for drugs and smiled. He walked over and put in a quarter then pushed a button with 'Angel Dust' on it. The vending machine dropped a small white bag as Angel reached in and grabbed it. 

He went to open it when it was snatched from his hand. "Hey!" He shouted and watched the demon run with it. "Up yours, drag show!" The demon shouted before getting crushed to death by a bolder. "Oh my God!" Angel said in panic and grabbed the broken bag. "My drugs! Damn it!" He said in slight annoyance then looked up to see a ship destroying the area with a snake as the leader to many eggs. That snake was none other than Sir Pentious trying to take over Hell. 

"Those are the cowardly sinners dare not hinder my territorial take over! A wise decision. The power of my machines are unmatched!" He stated with an evil smile and fired his ray gun at the town. "No other demon can compare to the likes of I!" He said proudly. "Gee! That was pretty swell, boss!" Egg #23 stated happily. "Yeah! You really showed what for! I liked when you shot them with your ray gun." Another egg commented. "I wish he'd shoot me with his ray gun." Egg #23 stated sadly as another patted his head. 

"At this rate, I will seize control of the entire west side of the pentagram by days end. And nothing, not a single beast in this infernal suffering will be able to take back this empire from my constrictive grasp!" Sir Pentious stated proudly while squishing an egg in the grip of his tail. "Whoohoo!" An egg said happily and opened a champagne bottle, having the cork hit Sir Pentious in the face. Sir Pentious hit the egg away and through the other one with his tail. "Oh, boy!" One shouted excitedly. 

"Hell will be mine. And everybody will know the name of Sir Pent-" "Egg Lord!" Someone shouted, interrupting him. "Pardon? Who said that?" He asked then looked at his egg minions behind him. "What did you just say to me, you fried chicken fetuses? Ssspeak up!" He said angrily as the eggs coward. "That wasn't us, Mr. Boss Man." One said as a hissing sound was heard when something broke the window and rolled towards them to show it was a bomb ready to go off. It went off, creating an bunch of red smoke as Sir Pentious coughed a bit. 

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