chapter 8- she's here

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cheryl was in the living room playing with landon when she heard toni.

"baby hurry!" yelled toni from their bathroom.

cheryl ran to the bathroom "what's wrong tt" she asked out of breath.

"my water just broke" said toni nervously.

"ok ok let's go i got the bags packed" said cheryl grabbing all the bags and getting them all into the car and heading to the hospital.

on the way to the hospital cheryl called both of their parents. once they got to the hospital the nurses came and took toni. taylor rushed over to cheryl who was very overwhelmed but trying to keep it together for toni.

"hey breathe it's gonna be ok i'll take landon for you until your parents get here" said taylor grabbing landon from her.

"thanks tay" said cheryl shakily.

of course now take some deep breaths and then go be with your wife" said taylor hugging her.

cheryl rushed to room 2117 to see toni.

"hi babe tay has landon."

"hi baby and ok perfect" said toni smiling through the pain. "fuckkkkkk" she yelled groaning from the pain.

"i'm sorry love can i get you anything?" asked cheryl.

"it's ok baby just hold my hand" said toni.

cheryl immediately pulled a chair over and sat next to her holding her hand playing with her fingers. the contractions started to get closer and more painful.

"fuck baby it hurts" said toni crying.

"i know tt i know it will be over soon and then we will get to see our little girl."

toni's mom and the doctor both walked in right as toni was having another contraction.

"ok i am gonna check to see how dilated you are" said the doctor.

"you got this toni" said her mom holding her other hand.

"ok you are almost ready to push."

toni looked up at cheryl worriedly.

"don't worry babe it's gonna be ok" said cheryl kissing her head.

"hi mama" toni said looking up at her mom.

"hi sweetheart" said toni's mom kissing her cheek.

"ughhhh" groaned toni as another contraction came.

"ok i am gonna get the nurses in here and then we are gonna push" said the doctor paging the nurses.

once the nurse got in there it was time to start pushing.

"ahhhh fuckkkkk" yelled toni as she pushed squeezing her mom and cheryl's hands.

"you're doing great baby" said cheryl.

"keep pushing you are almost there" said her mom.

"ok one more big push" said the doctor.

"it hurts cher i can't."

"yes you can tt one more push you can do it."

toni cried out and pushed.

"she is here!" said the doctor holding her up so they could see her.

they all started crying hearing the baby cry and seeing her.

"you did it babe" said cheryl kissing her.

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